Starting a new med | Arthritis Information


Had my checkup with opthamologist yesterday and other than the fact I need a new prescription for lenses my eyes are in good shape. No damage from diabetes yet. So that's great. Now it looks like I am ready to start Plaquenel (sp?). Opthamologist said to call him imediately if I start having blurry vision or things don't look right. You know with diabetes sometimes things for me have gotten blurry it's just part of diabetes that I live with. So how will I tell if it's the placquenel or the diabetes?   I know it can cause (in very rare istances) serious problems and this somewhat worries me but the complications and progression of RA worries me more. Anyways I was wondering if anyone else has experience with tihs drug and if there is anything else I should know about it other than what RD has told me and what I have learned from drug /side affects info. Thanks everyone. Yes, it's very rare...but you'll want to maybe have a copy of the amsler grid.  My doctor told me to have a look at the grid and if I see any wavy lines, or anything that seems off while looking at it to give him a call.  Goggle "Amsler Grid" to get more info.
Good luck!
Yep, what Kelstev said.  Also, don't be discouraged if the Plaq. doesn't seem to be working right can take some time.  Also, take it with food to discourage any stomach issues.  It took a couple months for me to notice a difference, but six months after starting it, all I can say is WOW!

I had nausea and indigestion for a few weeks after starting it, but I tend to get nauseated really easy anyway.  I take it at night before bed, and I don't have any problems anymore.  if it causes nausea, you might consider taking a benadryl with it; it can help you sleep through the nausea and also help prevent the nausea in the first place.

I don't recommend taking it on an empty stomach in the morning when you first start taking it, unless you like dry heaves.