Our daughter | Arthritis Information


I have a question for anyone that may have had experience with this. For about 2 to 3 weeks our daughter who is 26, has been waking up with severe stiffness and joint pain. It involves literally every joint in her body. This morning, she could barely get out of bed and the pain in her joints is constant, no letting up. She does not notice any swelling or redness. A week or so ago, she had 3 days of constant vomiting, diarrhea. During this time, she also had numbness to her arms between her elbows and wrists. These symptoms all went away and now she is left with the constant joint pain. She does not have a doctor (she is getting one). Has anyone ever had numbness with their arthritis? I told her to get on some fish oil and naprosyn until she can get to a doctor. I hate to see another child with this. By the way, this is not the daughter that has had the hand and ankle swelling....this is another one. Thanks for any thoughts or input. I get numbness/tingling in my arms mostly and sometimes my legs.  I also have had numbness/tingling...usually hands, arms and feet.I had numbness and tingling in my hands in the morning right before my onset but I thought I slept wrong on them.

 Also had and sometimes still have a sensation like water is sprinkling on my feet. it often happens when I am at the sink fooling with dishes so I always think water is dripping but there is none....
I've had numbness in hands.  I thought it was the fibromyalgia.
I first had obvious joint invovlement in December 2007.  In July 2007, I had an MS-like episode that still has not been explained by any doctor.  I had an MRI--fine.  All nerve conduction--fine.  All bloodwork--fine. 
What happened is that I was sitting in a chair, had a sensation come over me, and for 3 days after I walked with a weird limp because my whole right side of the body was numb.  Not actually numb to the touch, but "felt" numb.  I couldn't walk straight unless I didn't bend my knee.  That limp went away gradually, but for weeks after the right side of my body felt different.  Weird.  Tests, tests, tests, nothing. I did have strep at the time.  The only explanation doctors could give was "maybe it was strep."  Strep took two rounds of antibiotics to clear up (although I had finished the first round when this happened). 
I had been feeling weak/anemic for months leading up to this, but all of my bloodwork was fine, thyroid fine, not anemic, etc.  So they'd just blown me off.  Til I went in with strep.  Was tired but didn't know I had strep until they told me (fever was only 99). 
So after going to GP, neuro, ent, I finally made it to the RD on October 1 (this had been in July).  Was going to get his opinion, autoimmune bloodwork, and have him look at my foot that had given me problems so long ago. 
He felt strongly upon exam that I had something autoimmune going on.  But lo and behold my bloodwork was fine and I was told nevermind you are fine.
So that was early October, then I started to notice mid-November that my wrist wouldn't bend back all the way.  That was the beginning.  I thought it was nothing, mentioned to GP, and off I went on this odyssey.  By late December the whole thing was swollen so much I couldn't sleep (just my wrist, but my whole right side--where I had the numbness--has many more issues than left).
That was entirely too much information, and I apologize.  I need to get back to work, so I'm just going to hit "post" rather than redact/edit.  My point is it may be months before it is obvious what is going on if this is arthritis related
I'm like Jan. My dr. says it is the fibro. I usually don't even try and seperate the two any  more.
take care

I have numbness/tingling in my feet.  My joint pain and stiffness is worse in the morning but is also constant all day.

The only numbness I've had is if swelling in my wrists compressed the nerves traveling through the ulnar and/or carpal tunnels.  The numbness was always confined to my hands, and it was alleviated by using splints at night for a few weeks. Mine is numbness in the hands, and I have been in night splints for 10 months now, and its slowed down to maybe once a month I wake up with one or two hands completely swollen numb.  It shakes off as you stand upright and the fluids move around.  That's how I started out.  I woke up with numb hands and a week or so after (can't remember) I couldn't turn on a faucet or button a button, etc.
I'm curious that a couple of people's doctors said the numbness was fibro.  I already had fibro, but the numbness was my first RA symptom.  I would wake up with hands and feet numb on a regular basis. However, the only time I had numbness from my wrists to the elbows was related to pinched/entrapped nerves.I get some transient numbness in a few places. Fibro is weird.

My guess is that they should do the usual lab tests, but it sounds like FM. I couldn't get out of bed either at one point.
I've had and continue to have numbness and tingling in my hands, arms and feet..  I've gotten blisters on my feet from shoes and never felt them rubbing..
Sounds like she needs to see an RD, lorster...
I'm sorry she's suffering........
I have a friend who experienced numbness out of the blue. She has been diagnosed with MS. I don't want to sound alarmist, but I would want to have that ruled out as a possible cause. I personally have numbness that goes away when I get trigger point injections. I'm so sorry that your daughter is going through this.

DawnDawn...that totally occurred to me but I didn't want to say the word. It worries me. She is making an appt. Did your friends numbness last for a while? And where was the numbness? I don't have fibro, RA is the cause of the numb hands/feet.  I have had numbness from elbow to fingers, but that is from a car accident, nerve damage.
I hope your daughter can get to a doctor soon.  How long does she have to wait? 

When my husband had food poisoning and was vomiting and couldn't get out of bed for 3 days, his arms and hands went numb.  When he recovered, that went away completely.

lorster.. they tested me for MS first due to the numbness and tingling..  all was negative.. and it pushed back my DX by an RD.. because we were focusing on the "nerve" issue not realizing it was RA.  if you can, schedule for a RD visit too.  there is family history
I wish the best for your daughter
Lorster - I believe my friend's numbness began in her legs and feet, and it would come and go. She didn't wait very long to go see a doctor which was fortunate because they believe they caught her MS early.
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