update on discrimination | Arthritis Information


Today I  got a phone call from a mucky muck at the human resources headquarters. Apparently there is a local chain of command I should have gone through, but I couldn't find any other phone no. or e-mail, so my letter went straight to the top!  

Anyway, she said my E-mail got forwarded to her and she was going to do the investigation. She asked me to tell her what happened and I started bawling like a big baby. I was embarrassed, but told her what he did to me was so very wrong. She was very kind and understanding and said I had every reason to feel upset. She wanted dates, names, etc. which I had. She said it did not look good for me that I never went back without giving notice. I told her I felt the enviroment there was very hostile because of him and I couldn't take the stress. She said the store manager could have handled a number of things so much better, so he will be getting some extra training. They are kind of giving him the benefit of the doubt because he is so new there (under 2 mo. I think). She is going to talk to him and the managers under him and will get back with me.
That's all I really wanted, was him put on notice that he cannot treat employees the way he treated me. Even better that it came from the top. I don't want my job back, that is for sure, but I wonder if I can make them pay me for these last two weeks. Yes I didn't go back but it was because of his discrimination and all around meanness towards me. Of course he was sneaky about it, grrrr. so I thought no witnesses, but the other employees are saying he was mean to me but they don't know why...
I feel like I was heard and can move on now...
The threat of a discrimination lawsuit against a retail company is taken very seriously. I think I would outright ask for the 2 weeks pay explaining that you move on from there.It's worth a try, I am glad that you where able to get some closure and good luck on your new job opportunity!! Hi, Deb...it does make me mad that he gets to keep his manager status....he should have been put to an assistant and grow up through the ranks a litttle bit.  Do not beat yourself up for the lack of a two weeks notice.  I totally understand your feelings on this... and I would ask for my two weeks as your compensation.. they will think it is a small price to pay for your silence.I agree.  Ask very nicely, but firmly, for compensation for the stress he put you under, to the tune of two weeks pay.  They already know you have enough guts to file a complaint, they should also consider the possibility that you would go a step further, which they really, really don't want.  Yes, I think a nice check for two weeks' pay should do the trick and make this whole ugly business go away for them and you.  It costs you nothing to ask.   You should also tell them you want a letter stating that your leaving the company was through no fault of your own and that you are eligible for rehire.  Not that you want to go back but if you seek other employment this company's comments could have a positive or negative effect if you don't get something in writing.Sounds like things are working out.  I am so glad!  Good luck with the new gig!
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