Which drugs to add | Arthritis Information


Hi All
I have had RA for 2 years and the more drugs I take, the more I seem to need...
Having a bad flare over last few weeks so now the question is :
Which drug (I am on med aid so not a problem - give me the BEST!)
I started on Prednisone
Added Plaquinal
1 year later added salazapyrin (sulphusalazine) - this put me in remission for about 6 months
Had to start adding mTX - 5mg weekly. Worked for a few months.
Either I have to up this now or go on a new one.
Please help - you are all so experienced at this..!
I want something that doesn't damage the liver as hate not being allowed to drink fabulous South African wine.
Thanks so much

Cathy, you might need to move on the biologics. Enbrel, Humira, Remicade etc... These incombination with others mentioned are fantastic and may spare you liver to boot.


cathy, I definenitly agree with Mike, even though i've had a good response to mtx. I'm supposed to start remicade next month. (got the approval last fri.)  but from everything i've read the meds usually have to be strengthened or changed after a while.  how long have you been dx'd.



I understand your concerns with your liver; but 5mg of MTX is nothing. I'd suggest an increase in that. If it worked for a while I'm surprised your doctor hasn't already suggested an increase; or did he and you refused?

I am however a huge Humira fan...but I also use 22.5mg of MTX along with my weekly Humira injections. I seriously doubt it would work as well without it. There are a few here though that take biologics without MTX.


I wouldn't try the biologics without first checking to see if the mtx works for you at a higher dose. 5mg is very light. I am on 20 mg by injectable. My doctor told me that she didn't want to try me on the biologics unless I had more joints involved and the mtx had been exhausted. The biologics are a lot newer and because of that there's still stuff that they don't know about it. I would definitely use biologics as a last result. And as far as the drinking goes, yes it kinda sucks that you can't drink with mtx, and I was upset about that at first, given that I am 23 and a university student, and this changes my whole lifestyle, but I came to the point where I realized that this is my health and I want to do what's best for my health over my entertainment. I didn't ask to have RA but I can make the most of it and be positive and I'll do what I have to do to make myself better.

The drinking thing - I have found drinking does not mix well with all the meds.  I have drank three times since I was diagnosed.  Each time was moderate, a few beers, and each time I felt terrible.  Learned my lesson!!! 

Seems that mtx is successful for so many.  Got to climb each tier of that med ladder
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