Dad's really sick.... | Arthritis Information


Hey guys

Ally here...
Stressed out and freaking out.
Dad's really ill. They're hospitalising him to administer IV drugs and painkillers. He isn't responding to ANYTHING. He's gone up to 75mg Prednisolone which is almost triple his usual dose...
He's lost so much weight. Isn't eating. Can barely move.... And pretty damn depressed.
BTW- I can't remember who gave me the links to the spoons theory and but you dont look sick but I printed them off and read them to him. The first one was the you dont look sick... He was crying all the way through the spoons one- we both were because thats how he feels all the time...
Ally - thoughts and prayers for your Father, you, and your family.  Take care  ~~ CathySo sorry your father is feeling so ill. I'll put him in my daily prayers tonight.
Aww Ally I am so sorry to hear your Dad is having a rough time right now. It sucks big time to watch a precious family member suffering.
He is very obviously in the right place and hopefully the Med staff can get him on some regime that will give him relief and a quality of life.
Please take care or your 'self' during this time.
You, your Dad and family are in my thoughts and prayers and I send good positve thoughts your way.

Ally, I'm sorry to hear that, but sometimes being hospitalized makes the doctors sit up and take notice so they work even harder to find the right treatment.  Let's hope this turns out to be a blessing in disguise for your dad and your whole family.  I'll send along the good thoughts and hugs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So sorry to hear about your dad! Hopefully the hospital can get him feeling better. Keep us posted. You and your family are in my prayers.

take care

I am sorry your dad is so ill, but I know he must be so very grateful to have a daughter who loves him so much.  I hope the doctors can find the right mix of meds quickly and he will be doing much better soon.  You two need to have a chance to do things that are fun together!

Is your dad interested in joining the forum?  A laptop in the hospital could help him pass the time and give him the opportunity to talk with others who understand what he is going through.

Hillhoney2008-07-02 20:08:22Ally,
I'm so sorry your dad is so ill right now. The hospital is right where he should be. I hope they are on top of things and do all the proper tests necessary to figure out just what meds he needs.
It sounds like you two are very close. You are both very lucky. It's scary when our dad's get sick because they are the ones who are strong (in our hearts and minds) and supposed to take care of us. Can you tell I'm a "daddy's girl" ? My dad just had a heart attack two months ago. He was in the hospital a week, then he and mom went to Maui so he could play golf for two weeks... I was amazed! He and I are very close and he calls me every day on his way home from work (he has and hour and a half commute).
I will pray for you and your dad. Make sure you take care of yourself so you are strong and healthy enough to take care of him when he gets to come home!
I'm real sorry to hear about your Dad Ally. I hope he'll be able to get some help at the hospital. Let us know how he's doing.Hope he feels better soon. We'll be watching for a post saying he's been realeased! :)Bless your heart, you're a wonderful daughter and you make what is a horrible experience, more bearable.  He'd be so much worse off if it weren't for you.  Now that he's in the hospital they should be able to do the proper workup and get to the bottom of this.  Hugs to both of you.  How's your dad doing today?  Anything new?I just saw this thread and I'm so sorry about your dad but it may be the best for him at this stage.  Take care and let us know how he's doing.  Lindy