Anyone tried Orencia? | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Jules - After both Humira and Enbrel did not work for me, now, after 5 months of Orencia infusions, the doc has just proclaimed that I am finally in a Clinical Remission!!  Yay!!!   Best of luck to your hubby, if he indeed starts Orencia................keep us posted!!!

I did Enbrel-Humira-Remicade-and now Orencia. Don't just write off the remicade. Each med is a bit different. Remicade worked great for years. Plus--far fewer trips to the dr's office and I had a much cheaper co-pay. I am now on Orencia. It is been working well so far. It will be a year in Oct. The hardest thing for me is getting to the dr. once a month for infusions. I have to work a month to get a sick day, so I never have any stored up.

For me---all the above meds worked for a time. After about 2-3yrs, I usually have to find another one. I'm on Orencia and I also get my infusions from a home service (cheaper, easier and quicker than the hospital, which is where I'd get them otherwise, also evenings are available).  On Tuesday I just had my 5th dose (3 months) and I am waiting and hoping for some improvement.  Perhaps it is so gradual I don't realize it's started.  But I've had no problems with the infusions, and my nurse says that typically people start to see improvement after their 4th, 5th or 6th dose.

I just submitted my application for the Commence Orencia program so I'm hoping to get my co-insurance reimbursed.
Just had my fourth infusion on Tuesday (8 weeks) and the last ten days I have begun to notice improvement.  Was on Enbrel (7+ years) and Humira (about 9 months).  Haven't taken Rheumacaid, but know lots of people have been helped by it.  The Orencia infusions only last 1/2 hour in the doctor's office. but I have to allow for an hour drive each way.  I wish the infusions were less often, but I just tell myself it's a small price to pay to make life normal again.  GOOD LUCK TO YOUR HUSBAND WHATEVER HIS CHOICE MAY BE.   Sharon
Best wishes to your husband - I hope whatever he chooses is effective and relief comes quickly.