RA and surgery | Arthritis Information


I just had an emergency appendectomy last week. Its the only procedure that I have had since being diagnosed RA. The surgery went well, and the pain from the surgery is nil, but the butt-dragging-feel-like-I-have-been-hit-by-a-truck feeling that persists, I am attributing to the RA. Has anybody else experienced this?

Laura T
[QUOTE=laurat]I just had an emergency appendectomy last week. Its the only procedure that I have had since being diagnosed RA. The surgery went well, and the pain from the surgery is nil, but the butt-dragging-feel-like-I-have-been-hit-by-a-truck feeling that persists, I am attributing to the RA. Has anybody else experienced this? I really have no advice other than to say it's obvious your body needs more time to recover. Give yourself the rest you need and enjoy the break. Glad surgery went well.
There was a mom who worked at the place I was discriminated at. She had an emergency appendectomy (it ruptured) and she was back at work 5 days later. On my last day there, I was walking out and SHE was struggling to carry the giant ladder that injured me, and she still had stitches in her stomach and was told not to lift up anything, not even her daughter. I asked her if she told our boss, which she had, but he wanted her to put up top stock. I took the ladder away from her and set it up myself for her on my way out the door. Our store manager is an idiot. sorry I hijacked your thread, it just fries my butt to think about it.
Laura, my appendix ruptured two years ago, which seemed to be the trigger for my RA.  I think exhaustion is pretty normal for even a healthy person who has an appendectomy, much less someone who already has an autoimmune disease (RA for you, fibromyalgia for me).  I would just keep an eye on it as time goes on to make sure you haven't developed an additional condition, such as fibro, that could account for the fatigue.  Be kind to yourself and most of all be patient...it takes a long time for our bodies to recover from trauma.Just take it easy and don't expect too much of yourself!  Your body needs rest to heal.
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