Found a kitty i'm not allergic to | Arthritis Information


I have found my new little friend, a breed of cat most people with allergies can live with, a Siberian.  They look a bit like a Maine Coon.

The great thing is they are great leapers so I'll be able to feed and care for him on little tables, right from when i bring him home at 3 months old.  Isn't it amazing how we find ways to keep doing things we love.  Not always of course, but it's pretty exciting when we do. What is it about them that they do not cause allergies janalex?Congrats on the find! I just love my little furbabies, they are so much company and kittens are a ton of fun.Oh, the Siberians are a gorgeous breed. Short and chubby with nice big tummies -- and it's something they lack in their saliva that is thought to be the reason they are about 90% hypoallergenic.oh, and they are supposed to love water, too!oh good for you!!!

I had no idea that Siberian's were hypoallergenic...
Kitty sounds great.  Glad you found it. 
arent they hairless?OMG I just googled them and how adorable! I would love to have one myself! Fat chance in this household though. Do they meow much? My Tabitha doesn't do much but when she does it irritates the hell out of my husband. Of course the fact that she does it in the early morning when we are sleeping doesn't help.That is so awesome!  I'm so glad you're getting your kitty!  I really can't say enough about how much my cats helped me when I was at my worst.
My mom has a Maine Coon.  You're right they are similar.  Maine Coons definitely like the water, if your Siberian ends up liking water I have some tricks to keep it managable.
You'll have to post pictures when you bring your new baby home. ) No, they're not hairless, they're enormously fluffy.  It's soft and silky fur which tends to shed for a couple of weeks in autumn and again in spring.  You do need to brush them though so mab52 is right, it will be my new job.

They have a soft meow, described as a chirp, so  that  won't  annoy me.   My last kitty was a British Shorthair, who sounded more like frog crrrrk than a cat.  Was hillarious when he was old & bossy, used to crack me up every time.  He also said 'hello' exactly the way I do.  I realised this when my friend's cat greeted me with 'geDAY' (translation for non-Australians is good day),  and my friend came after him with the exact same greeting.  I haven't been able to establish whether cat copies human, or vice versa.

I'd love to get some hints about cats that love water.  Want to enjoy this ball of fluff to the max; I always had to ration my contact with furry animals because of my allergies.
Well, one of the things my mom had to do with her Maine Coon was buy him a water bowl made for large dogs or he would turn it over.  He so loves to play in his water that she now keeps his bowl in the shower.  He splashes it, watches it run down the drain, licks his paws, and on and on.  But now no mess on the floor.
When he visits my house we put the bowl in a large, rectangular, plastic storage container.  He can get in with his bowl and have a blast.