Happy Birhtday Alan | Arthritis Information


                                                 Hmmm...now how did you know???   I'm off to the Fish Market for lunch later...and a quiet day of practicing mandolin for our upcoming concert and maybe a nice long walk in the park.
Thanks, Alan
A little birthday fairy told me.
It sounds like you are going to have a nice day.
                                                        Happy Birthday Alan, I always enjoy your poems and poetry.  Take care ~~ CathyHappy B-day AlanHope it's been a great day. Happy Birthday Alan!Happy, happy Birthday Alan.....Keep practicing your mandolin and let us know all about the concert.   Have a beautiful Birthday, Alan!
Hugs, Nini

Sorry I missed your birthday Alan, I hope it was a nice one. Your DIL sounds very sweet and thoughtful. What a precious gift she gave you!

Happy Belated Birthday!
Sorry I'm a bit late...hope you had a wonderful birthday, Alan!It was a fine day...thanks for all your kind words!

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