Prednisone/cortisone good or bad? | Arthritis Information


i am currently on prednisone and sometimes get cortisone shots. i dont like the weight gain and i am sure there are more side effects that i dont realize i am having are related to it. just wanted to know if u have been on these how much or often and if the cons out weigh pros or other way around I'm on MTX and Mobic.  My RD has never suggested pred, probably because my pain is under control (somewhat).  I've been dx less than one year though.  I took a course of pred right when my first flare began (it actually worsened at the end of the medrol pack).  I had one shot in my wrist but I didn't get full relief. 

I am wary of weight gain but, more than that, my dad has been on it in the past for adrenal issues and when his dose was out of whack (they gave him too much) he had psyciatric issues.  But that varies by individual I suppose.
Edited to add that the inflammation is not under control, I've had swelling that hasn't gone down since December when it started.  But no suggestion of pred.  Maybe just my RD?
KatieG2008-07-06 18:44:03Forgot to add: had steroids from an ortho before RD, b/c ortho thought it was tendonitis.  So RD never prescribed themI am on MTX and a prednisone taper. Down to 6 mgs from 40.  Prednisone made me feel great on high doses and keeps me in line now I think. But as I type I'm wanting to eat because of it and I'm fighting like crazy not to or trying to figure out what I can eat that is not a lot of fat and calories but will quiet my belly. I think it makes me crave salt and then I retain water on top of everything else. I have been so good eating fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, sensible dinner all 5 work days. Exercise 30 mins. 3 x per week. This for 1 month. On the weekends I allow myself to have some leeway but don't go wild. I GAINED another pound!
Higher doses gave me unwanted facial hair too- glad that's gone!
Can't wait to get off this crap.
I've not dosed w/ prednisone.. but I've had cortisone shots in both knees and right wrist for pain/major inflammation and lack of mobility. [QUOTE=motherofall6]i am currently on prednisone and sometimes get cortisone shots. i dont like the weight gain and i am sure there are more side effects that i dont realize i am having are related to it. just wanted to know if u have been on these how much or often and if the cons out weigh pros or other way around [/QUOTE]

If I have a flare that won't go away, I use a medrol dosepack (21 methylprednisolone tablets on a punchcard; take 6 the first day, then 5 the next, etc until gone).  It starts working in a day or two - I go from barely being able to stay awake, with pain and swelling in my hands and feet... to running up two flights of stairs and staying awake for a full 16 hours without needing a nap.
I've been on pred tablets for many years (20) and would love to get off the stuff.  Now'n again I'd have a high dose injection in my butt if I had something that required energy and strength coming up i.e. horse competition or raising calves in spring.   It never gave me complete relief but it certainly helped.
I've gained 14 kg's which is proving very difficult to get rid of my skin,hair and scalp are very dry, skin on face and hands are quite thin now but guess that could also be down to age (52) hairy chin and eyebrows!!  frequent nightmares and more recently diagnosed with oesteoporosis and oesteonecrosis
But, without having taken pred. I know I would have had to give up doing a lot of things I love many years ago.   I knew the consequences when I started taking it and choose quality of life over quantity.   I had a young daughter and son and pred enabled me to go to their chosen sports (made it to most games) and take them fishing and hunting, horseriding, camping.  I was a single Mum for 10 years so the pro's outweighed the con's for me  
Hey, I'm really pleased to read that the facial hair growth eases up once you stop taking it
It is very hard to judge.
Most results from prednisone (things that go bad) can be fixed.  Most things from other drugs like kidney failure, cancer etc. may not be able to be fixed.
All drugs are a 50/50.  I know people who have been on pred over 20yrs at 20mgs per day and never had a side effect at all, yet they tried enbral and instantly had problems.
It just depends on your body on what can happen.  That is why no tests on these drugs are 100%.

If I had it to do over I would have gone on mxt right away and stayed on it instead of allowing fear and denial to enter the picture. I would have started on biologics as soon as they came on the market.  Instead I allowed fear and denial to guide me and I had cumulative damage done over a 10 year period.  I've been on 40mg of Pred for over 4 years and now I'm in clinical remission and have tapered to 7.5 mg. of Pred.  It's left me with adrenals that no longer produce and I have to stay on 7.5 for the rest of my life.  I have bilateral cataracts, heart and lung complications from RA and PsA, bone loss, knee replacements, and who knows what else.  I've had no problems to date with dmards and biologics and I wish that I had started them 10 years ago.  Lindy

I was handed three scripts at my second rheumy appt - MTX, predisone and folic acid.  A short explanation of my blood work showing RA and a pamphlet to the Arthritis Foundation.  Five months later I was taken off the predisone (no explanation why plus I never figured out what it did or why I was on it) on a very hard weanoff schedule which I know now was very harsh compared to what I have read in here.  I then was diagnosed with osteoporosis the next year.
I will never take predisone again. 
justsaynoemore2008-07-07 03:51:42I was only recently diagnosed with RA and the one med that got me walking/driving and able to comb my hair again was Pred. Im only on 10mgs  ( for last 2 months) but it sure worked miracles and even though I know all the pitfalls and dangers, Im scared to come off it.
Rheumy said I am to begin tapering off in 2 months time as hopefully, the other meds will have kicked in.
I am eating a little more than usual and have a double chin but so far it hasnt been too bad. I cant imagine having to have 40 or 60 mgs a day tho!! If I was as bad as I was and got better with 10mgs it is shocking to think some people need higher doses. I feel for anyone who has to have those doses.
Its a bad drug. That is all I have to say about it.I've been taking prednisone for more than 10-years. My bones are still in good shape -- a recent bone scan showed me on par with a 30-yr. old, and I'm more than twice that age -- but not everyone is that lucky. Unfortunately, I can't operate without the pred. I have gained too much weight -- but no other side effects that I've noticed. I think a lot of it has to do with your genetic makeup.