MTX and Stomach Issues | Arthritis Information


I have been on MTX 3+ months.  I have been on 20 mg for about a month now.  I have not had stomach problems except around "that time of month."  But not usually as bad as the last 2 days.  It is that time now, but I also took my 4th or 5th dose of MTX at 20 mg on Sunday night. 

My stomach hurts.  Not my intestinal area, but my stomach (up high).  Also, my appetite is sort of gone.  Also have some intestinal issues that come and go.  I don't usually throw up (strong stomach). 
Does anyone have experience with either having stomach problems on MTX that fluctuate wtih hormonal cycles, or with developing stomach issues while on MTX, after not having them at first? 
Do you take prilosec as a preventative? My doctors put me on a daily dose from day 1 and I never had tummy troubles til I switched to the generic. Now I'm back on Prilosec.I'm on Aciphex.  I think it's the same thing?  It's darn expensive, definitely not a generic!  or a month I think.  the rest of my scrips are only a month

MTX made my stomach hurt 2 days after taking it and my nerves were a mess.   Are you eating before you take your meds or are you taking them on an empty stomach?

I take it right before bed, but I try to take it with a late night snack.  I took it Sunday, but my stomach hurt all day yesterday and today.  Worse yesterday though.