I am having a severe panic attack | Arthritis Information


I wrote a reply under "please help me sleep"  I figured getting it out would make me less stressed, but when I re-read it, I started shaking all over and hyperventilating and  I just threw up. It's affecting me more than I realized. Now I am just crying. My doctors don't want me working, but we need the money badly. Things around here are so tight, we can barely buy gas and groceries... We just paid for a watermelon and for a gallon of milk.  About 3 wks ago I sent son to the store for apples, oranges, and bananas. he got a bag of each and it came to ! Living in the mountains has it's downside, that's for sure.

Please pray for my family
You'll be in my prayers. There's a lot of folks with theses same problems Sweetie. I knnow it doesn't help much....but you aren't alone.
Try to keep your chin up. The stress only makes your health worse. A person with your health problems is effected by these stresses 3 times more than your normal person.
HI Owiemom, I am praying for you right now, God is good and will take care of you, love Janie.

PS Don't be too proud to ask for help, Salvation Army, Red Cross, local church etc.  Good luck.
I always find when I am stressed that if I sit down and think through a plan, put down steps I intend to take on paper, and commit myself to them, I feel more in control.  Write down your problems, and then brainstorm solutions.  Can you join a warehouse store and buy food in bulk to save money?  Use coupons?  Clean out your basement and collect scrap metal to sell?  Sell things on ebay?  Join freecycle.org?  Find ways to cut costs - look for savings in phone company, cable or satellite providers, insurance (raising deductibles, etc.).  Make a concerted effort to cut utility and gas costs.  Is there something you can do to work at home on your computer that would be easier on your body?  Get really creative in coming up with ideas.
Also, from just reading your posts over the years, I can tell you take on most of the responsibilities yourself.  Honestly, I think you have other members in your family who can share the burdens.  Families need to work together as a team to survive in today's world.  Don't be embarrassed or ashamed to say, I need help.  Don't be a martyr. 
Please know that I am praying for you. I know your fears as I have lived them too. I am the sole provider am the sole provider for my family right now and at times theres more month than there is money. As others have said don't be afraid to ask for help. Do you attend a church? That is a good resource. Many churches have help/assistance programs too. Please don't worry too much. I know that that is easier said than done but please try. I am going to send up a special prayer for your for peace of mind and for God to supply all of your needs according to His riches.
mom2threeinazPrayers your way!  Remember how you see things now isn't the way they really are.  You just need to get through this attack.  Owiemom, We feel the pinch too. I have 6 mouths to feed, not including the pets. I want to lay down and cry sometimes. I have even been considering getting a second job part time ( I work full time now) to cover the extra expenses, but I can barely make it through the 8 hour day and am not sure I can do another 4-5 hours a night working. Plus I'd never see my kids. I am trying to cut back on things we don't need, but we have binding contracts for most of our "luxury" items and it costs more to disconnect them than keep paying the monthly fee until the contract is over. I am actually trying to get my car cleaned up and running so we can sell it. It won't be much but every little bit will help. Oh Owiemoon, I am praying for you. I know that many are feeling the pinch right now and it infuriates me that the gas prices continue to soar. We can all just hope and pray that it gets better soon. Please don't be too proud to ask for help and to reach out to any support systems that may be in your area. I will be thinking of you!Is your son working? Wow............I feel for you.  That is so stress provoking.  No wonder you're having panic attacks!  I think we've all been in similar situations and it's never easy.  Thinking of you and praying for you.  Message me if you wanna talk cause I've been in the same spot recently.Thank you all so much for your kind words. I will try to answer some of your questions...
My older son, who is waiting to go in the Air Force is working. His hours have varied because of dr. appts, etc.  and honestly right now, he is barely making more than the pays for gas to get there and back. I asked his father (my ex) way back in dec. if he would continue to pay child support for him even though son is over 18 and he said no. I asked again when I was in the hospital in apr. and he said no. so a few weeks ago,, I told him I was going to get a lawyer to see what we could do and he finally agreed to pay me an additional 5/mo until son goes into military. Younger son has been filling out applications and sending resumes everywhere, unfortuately he just turned 17 and most employers want 18 yr olds because of all the restrictions. He does have an interview today for a sales job (working on commission) so we'll see how that goes. We have cut back in every way possible. I go to costco only if I can get someone to go with me to do the heavy lifting, but lately, we haven't had the money to buy in bulk. I am set to sell on E-bay. for the last year I have been going to our local goodwill on .29 day and buy designer clothes with the store tags still on. I have amazing things! Another store in town does the same except it is 99cent day. so I have a room full. I organized, ironed, took pictures of everything, but can't seem to figure out the last part. I have pleaded with sons to help me and I would split profit, but no luck. I am going to have to order them to help. younger son saved his own money and bought me "starting an E-Bay business for dummies" but I just can['t figure out this last part, but we will. I am certain of it. Hubby is to stressed to see beyond his own problems (he handles all the bills)
Thank you all so much for your prayers.

Deb, I sell things on ebay - feel free to PM me any questions you have and I will try to help!

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