Work stress | Arthritis Information


In my line of work most days I do data entry but I sometimes must lift banker boxes of files. When these boxes are full they can be quite heavy. I am currently unable to lift them, I have tried but the result is pain the next day. Today for example I could barely turn the wheel of my truck to drive my self to work. I am concerned that several co-workers are starting to think I am taking advantage of my situation to get out of work. I am defiinately not doing that. I suppose because I show up to work they think I should be able to do it all. They know what I am dealing with health wise but I am afraid most don't know or don't really care what RA is does to a person and how it affects them. What they think about my work ethic doesn't bother me so much as the little comments that are made to me or that I hear about after the fact. I have been pegged as a complainer since when I became diabetic I needed accomadations for snacking times and lunch hour rearranged. When I see the RD next week I will discuss the heavy lifting issue and possiblly get something in writing to give to my supervisor. Who by the way didn't respond to an email I sent about going with another co-worker yesterday to pick up files. So We just went and did it but I felt like my issues didn't matter to my supervisor. I have been a faithful employee here for 10 years and it hurts the way things are right now.

Have any of you all had similar experiences? and if so how did you handle/deall with them?
Thanks for a letting me share.Hang in there!  Get the accomodations you need, and shake off any reaction, stay positive.  I am an attorney and I have experience with trying to carry heavy bankers boxes full of files.  Don't do it! :)  I would be upfront and honest with you supervisor and tell him/her that you enjoy your job and will continue to work hard but you health requires a few accomodations.  I know how you feel, my job is the same way. I got a rolling cart and the boxes are on there when they get full, I roll to where it needs to go and only end up having to lift once. We also have maintenance guys that I have occasionally asked to life heavy (over 25 pounds) items. The rolling cart I have was paid for by my work, but they are not too expensive so if you had to you could get one with your own money.  I move around a lot of file boxes myself and I have a few guys around the office I can get to move them when nessesary. For those that don't already know I have RA I just says something like; I have a bad back. For whatever reason; it's just easier for me to brush off that way and easier for them to just nod and help a lady out. Hey; I do have a bad back. That's the truth too. lol You know I do have a roll cart that the school provides. But I still can not pick up the boxes. I travel between 2 different schools and my office and it is just unbearable to do all of that lfting. Sometimes 6-7 boxes. I will speak with the RD about sometihing written for work modifications.
I will try to keep my chin up and not pay attention to comments. Thank everyone for your tips.