to take or not to take, that is the question | Arthritis Information


I need some help deciding what to do next. I am kinda in a catch-22 so to speak. I am upset with both of my doctors each of them pawning me off on the other when neither of them will take enough time to discuss with ME what is going on. I call, leave a message for the nurse and the next thing I know their calling me back telling me to call the other doctor... PCP and rheumy.

Last week I was started on MTX. I didn't feel well the whole week since I took it. I had upset tummy, some diarrhea but mostly just felt gross. I've felt this way before although it's been a while. I don't know if it's just me and the disease or if it's the MTX making me feel like that. I was supposed to take it last night but didn't. I came home from work on Sunday feeling very ill, in the wee hours of Monday morning had lots and lots of nausea and vomiting depsite taking oral phenergan. I've done this a few times in the past, since my diagnosis. I just am not sure which way is up.
I was wondering if any of you have the same symptoms when taking mtx or in a flare?
I've never taken methotrexate and I have some of those same problems that come and go.  I swear there are days that I'll throw up if you look at me wrong.  Luckily it's not too often, but when it hits, it lasts several days to a week.  Always been like that - ever since I was little. I think the most important part of your post is dumping the docs and going to find one that listens to you and doesn't 'pawn' you off on another one.
I've never had nausea or vomiting but then I have a stomach of iron.  None of my meds have caused nausea nor has  RA.  I agree, find doctors that will work with one another and you.  It's vital to your health and well being that you have confidence in your docs and it sounds like you don't.  Get copies of your records - this is important and make an appt. with another primary.  When you call for an appt. find out from the staff which RDs they refer to.  You don't want to be referred back to your old RD.  Hopefully, you live in an area where there's more than a couple of RDs.  They're very scarce and you may have to go out of your area to see another one but it may be worth it.  LindyI'm sorry Wedyr! That's not good. I had the same frustrations with my PCP and RA doc. The RA doc told me to see the PCP for things that are not related to RA, the PCP would then say you need to call your RA doc. Sometimes patients DONT REALLY KNOW if their symptoms are related to RA or something else going on like the flu or caught a bug etc.  I wish the doctors would realize this!
I agree with Pip about possibly finding some new dr's. I know easier said then done, but you'll probably be a lot happier in the end. I am currently looking for a new PCP myself. My RA doc I really like but have to be persistant when i have questions that I call about that go through the nurse. THe nurse seems to not relay whats really going on and i dont seem to get my questions answered all the time. always I'm a bit different.  If you otherwise like your doctors then you need to have a frank discussion with each of them about this issue.  Parameters need to be established..and that includes a decision from you as to which doctor will have the final say under which circumstances. 
If you aren't happy with your doctors for reasons other than this then I do agree its time to make a change somewhere
Sometimes MTX takes some getting used to. Do you take anything as a preventative for tummy troubles? I was put on prilosec immediately. I always take my MTX after I've eaten and drink lots of water. I tnever bothered me- but I'm another one with an "iron stomach".You have to be an advocate for yourself, demand to speak to your Drs. and be a witch if you have to. That's what I do (when it gets to that point) and it gets the job done.  All medicines seem to upset my tummy. I am going to ask the Dr about injectable forms because of this. We'll see how that goes, I know not everything is available in that form but what good is paying for and taking medicine that will only end up in the toilet? I have a script for Pamine Forte - it's an anticholinergic that works great at calming nausea, without the drowsiness of Phenergan.  I only take it occasionally - most times I can ease the nausea with a bit of Coca-cola.  But it's nice to have a backup plan. I've been lucky and seem to have a decent doc. Although over here we tend to get referred to the rheumatoid nurses for general discussions about problems between appointments and they would tell you whether you would need to see doc. To be honest they seem to know more than the docs. Do you not have anyone like that you could call?
I have only recently started on tablets and was told if I had problems with severe nausea etc then I should stop them and contact the hospital, I don't know if instructions after long term use of them would be different though, plus you are on different meds to me.
I was just going to say that. Be-Friend the nurse. My RD's nurse is awesome and I always just call and ask to leave a message for her. Never the doctor. She always calls me back pretty quick and always knows seems to know just how to help me. If she doesn't; she'll get answers and call me back.
My RD (Althought great) has only called me himself once with some pretty serious test results. Other times it's always been his nurse. I make a point to always make things personal. Ask about her family....her own health....her vacation.....just ingeneral make her remember me.
She's your best advocate. Befriend her. Pronto! I would never recommend the bitchy approach. That's the best way I know to get horrible treatment from people you need to have on your side.
I tood MTX for 2 years.  I had to stay in a cool environment, or I would feel I was going to faint.  In winter I didn't cover up (our winters are mild)  and in summer I hung out in shopping centres under air-conditioning ducts. At my rheumatologist's office, sometimes a nurse calls and sometimes my doctor calls with normal test/xray results.  If the test/xrays are not normal, it's always my doctor who calls me.  If I ever call my doctor's office with a question, concern or urgent matter, she always calls me back the same day.

If you feel one or more of the staff members are not treating you right, by all means talk to your doctor.  You are the customer; the doctor may not know if the staff is rude to patients, because many of us won't speak up.
