Psoriasis arthritis/anti-ccp/RF | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

I have only been here a couple of times but I am very confused and hope you guys can help.  I was diagnosed about 3 years ago with RA. I had positive anti-ccp, ANA and RF. My previous RA doc only had me on Humira (methrexate (sp??) made me sick). She didn't seems to be helping me so I switch doctors. The new RA doctor put me on Arava, Mobic and weekly shots of Humira. Which I was doing ok pain wise but still extremely fatigue and running low grade fevers. She wants me to switch to Recimade which is schedule for next Tuesday.
In the meantime, I was having alot of problems with my feet itching, peeling and a rash. I also have what I was thought was a toenail fungus. I went to the dermatologist and he is questioning my RA diagnoses because the fungal test of my nails and feet came out negative. He is thinking that it is Psoriasis arthritis and not RA.
Is psoriasis itchy??
Is it possible to have both Psoriasis arthritis and RA??
How is Psoriasis arthritis treated??
Since I got you guys reading this I have one other question. RA doctor said I developed osteopenia in hands. I had bone scan and have osteopenia in hips also. The bone scan lady said this was reversible and ra doc said it was from the RA. Anybody have any experience in this too??  Now I am questioning if I should be going on Recimade.
Thanks for reading!
It's very difficult to distinguish between RA and PA but there are some differences.  Your labs can be positive with PA and look like RA labs.  If your hands are involved xrays may show signs of a deformity that is distinct to PA.  Also, PA pain is in the tendon area where they attach to the muscle/bone. 
If you have psoriasis and it sounds like you do then you probably have PA.  I also have toenail issues with my PA.  Yes, psoriasis is itchy.  Yes, it's possible to have PA and RA and the treatments are virtually the same.  You do need a definite diagnosis because there are health issues with PA that you don't find with RA.  
There's a psoriatic arthritis thread on this forum with a lot of info on the threads. 
Now that your dermatologist has diagnosed PA you need to go back to the RD with this diagnosis and discuss treatments.  There are other dmards beside MXT.  You could also try injectible MXT. 
There are meds to help with the osteopenia and your RD should be prescribing these for you.  Also, don't question going on Remicade.  The disease is worse than the medication.  PA can cause health issues and complications just like RA and can develop as quickly and as dramatically as RA.  
I'm in clinical remission for RA with Humira, MXT, and Sulfasalazine but the PA isn't in remission.  It's better.  It's also taken me 10 years to achieve remission, so don't give up.  There's always hope.  Lindy 
Thanks LinB for the information. I am going to talk with my doctor Tuesday and check out the PA message board.