Omega Oils and RA | Arthritis Information


I've seen several articles that substantiate the benefit of taking Omega 3-6-9 Oil supplements for RA.  Has anyone taken them for a prolonged period with good results?  Just curious..

i havent taken the oil suplements for an extended peroid of time but i do notice a difference after i eat fish which is really the same thing.  i have heard a lot of good things about it, but i would talk to your dr before you start on that cause i read that they could cause an interaction with some other drugs.  Hope that helps good luck!I have started taken them as everything I read indicates that it is the most important item in an anti inflamatory diet.

This is not to supercede any information or recomendations from your physician.

Andrew Weil MD and Barry Sears books and website's insights into an anti inflamatory diet seem to make sense to me - especially re: the Omega 3's.

Edited from Dr. Weil ......
An anti-inflammatory diet as well as natural remedies may help ease your pain and stiffness. Inflammation is regulated by a group of hormones known as prostaglandins. Some of these hormones intensify the inflammatory response while others reduce it. You can affect this system by the kinds of fats you eat since the body makes prostaglandins from fatty acids. You may have to wait six to eight weeks to notice the results of the dietary changes.

Conventional medicine treats autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis with steroids and other immunosuppressive medications, most of which are toxic when used long-term. Patients dependent on these strong drugs can be less likely to respond to natural treatments, which can moderate autoimmunity and help control symptoms. Here are some recommendations to consider re: more natural remedies:

I have RA- Caused by Adrenal Stress Disorder..I live Pain free...I take adrenal support products and vitamins+ Magnesium combo....I also take Flaxseed in oil and in seed form.....My total cost is .00 for a months supply....I Thank GOd I looked and found the cure and not just a routine of pure torture that some people have chosen.....What is wrong with a system of healthcare that makes you think poisioning yourself can cause you to become well????  I worked in the health care industry for 30 years...I knew to look for an alternative to chemo for my RA.....

I take Carlson's fish oil (twice a day) and my pain has lessened so much! I have PA and it had controlled not only the pain but the psoriasis! No medication from my physicians has done that. Absolutely NONE. Go figure.


Amy Lee38742.9274421296

wouldnt all of the carbs suggested above make you gain weight? Or are there more specific guidelines to the type of carbs you can have? Also, about the dairy, I thought the dairy would be a good thing--for calcium and all. I want to avoid foods that will make the RA worse, I also really want to lose weight. I depend on my skim milk and fat free yogurt to steer me away from higher calorie junk foods. (I am a big milk drinker)


by the way---fish oil is a pill or capsule right? I'm not up on all of the supplements and stuff and don't think Im a dope for asking..but it is not a liquid right? I dont think I could handle something oily and fish flavored

Omega 3 comes in both capsule and liquid. I would strongly recommend the liquid because you willgo broke on using the capsules. The epa of the fish oil is what RA sufferers really need to focus on. You need 5000mg a day of the EPA and like I dsaid capsules are too expensive.Carlson makes a liquid that has a lemon taste. Still not good tasting but at least doable. As far as diet questions, I would strongly recommend to you and everyone to read The Inflammation Free Diet by Monica Reinagel. My son went on this diet and reduced his sed rate from 40 to 23 in one month. I am not a salesman like some on this site. I am just passing on some good things we have come across.


     Teech, What about the mercury in omega 3 capsules? Do you knoe of one that is low or free of this? Pat

       Teech Where do you get the Carlson Brand?


I get it from one of the doctors but I am sure you can get it or order it from any health food store.

Hey I checked out the book about the Inflammation Free Diet, it was pretty interesting.  I just browsed through it in the bookstore for about 20min and did not purchase it but it is worth a second look.  I think there are some good ideas in it and it is not a real complicated  book to read.

As far as the fish oil...hmmm I would have to have capsules. I swear it turns my stomach just thinking about FISH OILWe live by that book. You will actually start to memorize it after a week or so. The fish oil we use is lemon flavored. It also helps to take chewable vitamin C right after to get the taste out. [QUOTE=crunchy]wouldnt all of the carbs suggested above make you gain weight? Or are there more specific guidelines to the type of carbs you can have? Also, about the dairy, I thought the dairy would be a good thing--for calcium and all. I want to avoid foods that will make the RA worse, I also really want to lose weight. I depend on my skim milk and fat free yogurt to steer me away from higher calorie junk foods. (I am a big milk drinker)[/QUOTE]
Well, I think the most carbs are to come from fruits and vegetables.  I have lowered my dairy to minimal.  I take a citrical (calcium) supplement.  I still have yogurt and cheese.

I take:
fish oil -- pill
Glucosamine chondroiton  -- pill and liquid
B complex vitamins
multi vitamin
folic acid
primrose oil
garlic pills

My mom was recommended most of those by her rheumatologist.  I am not yet on any prescribed medication because I am not insured.  But I can feel a vast improvement since I started all of those.  I don't know which helps, so I just continue to take them all.
arizonara38778.856875I have taken fish oil for over a year how, and feel that it helps me immensely - I also feel MSM has been instrumental in helping me be pain-free. Remember - you should take fish oil in the warm weather months, but switch to Cod Liver Oil during the winter months for the extra Vitamin D (we need, due to less sunlight).