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Today was the Remicade infusion day. Yeah... it bit hairy donkey balls!

I did not get my infusion because my pulse was elevated 121... WOOHOO!!! Yeah... RD said no more Remicade until my pulse is back to normal again. *SIGH*
To help me with this flare I am in... she gace me an IV steroid. Pretty NICE! But short term fix. *pokes out bottom lip* My fingers are a little less swelled, and moving around without pain since again 5pm. YAY!!
I asked the Remicade nurse about my blood work I had done last visit, they were testing me for cholesterol, diabetes and some other stuff. I told her it must not have been good, because I did not receive a card in the mail telling me they that all blood work was in respecitble ranges. So... she hooked me & the steroid up and then went and seen about my bloodwork.
When the steroid drip was done... she handed me my bloodwork results and told me my RD said for me to see my GP today if possible, because one of the results were high, and not good and needed to be addressed. Yeah... and this is bloodwork that was done in May! Hotdog... hotdog..hot diggity DOG!
So... On the way home I went to my GP's office and showed them the flagged bloodwork and they said they would fit me in, and then asked for my co-pay and told her I did not have it, so they are letting me pay it when I go back next week.
My GP said, his exact words "You are a puzzle. I have done everything I know and still your pulse is elevated." I said yep. Then he said what the neurologist & eye doctor said. Told him he read their notes and he just not luaghed but laughed you know & shrugged his shoulders and read thru my file again. He asked how the 40mg of Coreg CR was working for me. Told him BP was normal, and it did not rise as much when he had me taking regular coreg 2 times a day. But the Coreg CR 40mg was contorlling my pulse too, until he dropped me to the 2 times day 12.5 coreg. He decided to put me on 80mg of Coreg and if my BP drops to let him know then he will RX me something to counter my dropped BP. *shrugs shoulders* Huuummmm.... Yeah I do not like that idea, but my pulse when I am walking around has been as high as 134 and at rest 126. Neither is good I guess.
I am use to my pulse being rapid now. I do not even notice when it is elevated anymore, unless it gets up in the 130's then I start to sweat and feel out of breath. At one point GP, said my rapid pulse was probably from having pain all the time. He said it does happen.
He asked about the Remicade, how it was doing for me told him good, but RD said no more Remicade until my pulse is straightened out. His exact words were "That sucks". He saw how swelled my hands and fingers were and how I was slower than a turtle. Oh well...
Then he saw the "RX" the neurologist had me give to him the other day, for the TEE. It was a suggestion. He said he did not do TEE's. I said yeah I know the cardiologist does. He said yep, you will need to be refered. So... I am being refered to a cardiologist.
And after my bloodwork comes back for fibrogen and if it is still doudle the normal he is going to refer me to a blood doctor. Seems fibrousgen has something to do with blood clots and possible stroke, not sure. But They did say blot clot stroke in there many sentances I was just looking at them all crazy.
So... I have another 24hr holter attached to me. The nurse who done my last one in March was just amazed that she could see the circles on my abdomen where she put the other trodes. She said they looked like they were only a week old. I told her how I srub the circles to try to work the dead skin off and get the circles to go away, but nope nothing has worked yet.
So.... 80mg of Coreg CR, 24hr holter monitor, and refers to more doctors!
Oh good news.... I am not diabetic, my cholesterol is good, and my CBC was a little high, but good anyways. I told ya'll I was not diabetic! I come from a family of diabetics, and I use to get hypoglycimic when I was a teenager, so I know what the signs are.
Sorry so long.... if you made it this far on my post then thanks for being a friend and caring about me! "bit hairy donkey balls" Nice language Joonie.
Sorry you've got more to worry about; again. Hope it all gets worked out soon. Feel better.
Well... I looked up Fibrinogen. Normail levels are 300, mine were 666.
It tells me 3 things.... stroke (been told I had that), RA (know I have that), and heart disease (hummm), does heart disease cause rapid pulse? Let me go search.

Fibrinogen is an acute phase reactant, meaning that fibrinogen concentrations may rise sharply in any condition that causes inflammation or tissue damage. Elevated concentrations of fibrinogen are not specific -- they do not tell the doctor the cause or location of the disturbance. Usually these elevations in the fibrinogen blood level are temporary, returning to normal after the underlying condition has been resolved. Elevated levels may be seen with:

joonie2008-07-10 20:10:48

Yeah... Not sure about the CHD. I have some symptoms, but I had ultrasounds done of my heart & corotid arteries. They were normal.

Maybe the cardiologist can help me. I am starting to get tired of sweating for no apparent reason.
Plus, I want Remicade infusion and soon!!!!!!!!Sorry Joonie, but at least you did have some good test results. I agree that does suck big hairy donkey balls!!! Pain has alot to do with your blood pressure and pulse, so maybe if you can get your pain under control that could help??? Not a dr but my dr told me that when my blood pressure has been high and I have been on meds, she asked me if I am in pain and yep, she's right. She retested blood pressure several times and then had me come back when I was on pain meds and it was just a little high. AND....doesn't pred cause it to go high too? I know when I took pred I felt like my heart was doing flips in there.
Keep us posted with the results. Try to chill and not to worry I know it's hard but.....
I am fixing to go check my BP & pulse then find as many wash clothes as I can find and fill them up with ice and lay them on my side of the bed and chill! LMAO!!! Nice idea, but the heated mattress pad is still on my bed, so I would probably fry myself to a nice bunrt crisp
Oh and son noticed I had wires hanging from my shirt again, and said mommy you are wired again and lifted up my shirt in the middle of wal-mart for everyone to see!
Did anyone  throw beads at you? lolIt is a Record!
Mine is only down to my belly button *wink wink* I guess when I am 50 they will be down to the ground ... hehehehehe!!
[QUOTE=joonie]hehehehehehe!!! Well mine were propped up with a booby holder. That is what my son calls a bra now, a booby holder. He likes to help me fix my bra, it just creeps me out a little, so I tell him no his daddy needs to do it. Oh yeah! I told my MIL, who works at a nursing home,  that joke and she laughed and laughed. And then said it was true for most on her floor. hehehehe!
And FIL just got red-faced and laughed and uttered "36 long" and laughed again.
you guys are so dang funny sometimes, thanks for lightening my mood. Joonie, you know we all love you to pieces! [QUOTE=joonie]Oh yeah! I told my MIL, who works at a nursing home,  that joke and she laughed and laughed. And then said it was true for most on her floor. hehehehe! I think you have high blood pressure from worrying about bad blood results that got lost and weren't noticed for two months by your physicians until you asked about them :)  Perhaps you are anxious because you don't trust some of them :)  Joonie, I am so sorry that you are going through all this madness!
My stomach is what will never be the same after pregnancy...no holder to fix that! :) Although I did see muffin top girdles on Good Morning America this morning...
[QUOTE=KatieG]Joonie, I am so sorry that you are going through all this madness! My resting pulse is always really fast and BP is high. PCP put me on a beta blocker to get it under control, but it is still between 80-90 resting, scared to know what it is like if I am active. BP has gotten into normal range though so I guess that's good. 
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