I done it! | Arthritis Information


I took a shower! hehehe!

I was told not to take a shower while wearing the 24hr holter monitor, and well... I sweated so much it was making me irritable and I was sticking to myself. I hate that!
SO... I enlisted daughter to hold the monitor part and the wires up away from the water... LOL!
I washed my hair and just about every where, except my chest.
My daughter kept telling me I was going to get electricuted. I told her the shock from 2 AA Duracell batteries would not like me. LOL! But on the other hand it would have killed the monitor.
It is a good thing we have a removable shower head, otherwise a shower would not have been possible, nor washing my hair.... I would have had to go 3 days without washing my hair.
Good to know you (and the moniter!!) survived that shower Joonie...lolol
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