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Hi.  I have not been officially dx with RA just yet as the specific test result were not in yet, however my Rheumatoid Factor is elevated, I have the symtoms (right down to the alopecia areata) and my father suffered from RA.  So, my doctor is pretty confident this is my dx.  Yay for me.

I am a 32 y/o single mom.  I am just wondering what to expect.  I remember what my father went through.  I was very young, and it was before all the new research and medications.  He died at 69 form congestive heart failure when I was 9 (yes, the math suggests he was 60 when I was mom was a bit younger than him!!!), prior to that being in and out of the hospital, eventually requiring a walker, fulltime nurse, etc.  We were told alot of it was from the long time use of pregnisone (sp?).
Anyway, just wondering how serious this is and how I shoud be feeling.  I just have no clue if I have just be dx with something that is as manageable as high blood pressure these days or what.
your father was diagnosed and treated at a time there were extremely limited treatment options and the treatment protocals were much less agressive than they are today so please do not compare yourself to your father.
RA has various levels from very mild to very serious and there really is no way to predict anyone's course nor how they react to medication treatment.
But what you can do is to educate yourself about RA.  There are several excellent websites to get started with to learn the basics of RA
Get in shape or stay in shape.  Exercise is extremely important to keep our muscles as strong as possible.   Joints that have strong supportive tissue do better.
Eat healthy and maintain a good weight
Build a strong working realtionshiip with your medical team..communication is so important.  Also learn the ins and outs of your insurance.  learn what meds are covered and how.
Most improtantly..though you may have bad days keep a positive attitude.  RA can be life altering but your success in life depends on how you adjust to these changes
good luck
this link should answer a lot of your questions
Thank you so much BE and IW.  Those links were very informative. 

Welcome -  You're taking the first step by asking questions and clicking on the links.  Keep researching and asking questions, best to know the enemy.     I was also worried when first diagnosed as I remembered seeing my uncle in pain and progressing to a wheelchair,etc. - but quickly learned that the RA of today is so different from the RA of yesterday and the future for us newbies is so much better. 

Take care
Hello and welcome and ditto to Buckeye's post.  Once you educate yourself regarding RA you'll have to educate your spouse and close friends.  They need to understand so that they can help you through the lows of this disease.  There will be lows but there also will be days when you feel great.  The sooner you start meds the easier it will be for you.  Someone is always on here on the forum so ask any question that you need answered.  LindyHi and welcome. I think everyone with RA has a different experience with it. If it comes to pass that you do have it - best wishes that it will be mild for you.Welcome to the board. Hi, welcome, sorry you had to come here and you have ra. I hope you can find the right med combo and can get feeling better soon.
take carewelcome
Take care
Welcome.  I was your age when first diagnosed and that was 20 years ago.  I can still get around although some days are not the best.  I wish you the best.

Hi Littlemommie -

It's a frightening a diagnosis and hard to wrap your head around.  How old is you baby?  Mine was 5 when I was diagnosed.  That's the reason I chose to do AP - antibiotic protocol.  More info is available on  Or I'm here if you have questions.



My daughter will be 9 in September.  I have never heard of that so I will follow the link.I'm in the same spot only I didn't have a strong family hx as you.  Have my first Rheumatologist appt next week.  Know there are other newbies here  : )