Dr. Mirkin on Vit D | Arthritis Information


What he is doing for himself and why:
so intriguing..

This is the first time I've seen that over 50 as a signal of how you are doing and it will probably work with helping to understand the ratios and if we're toxic.
Interesting post Suzanne.
Innerglow, I hope you see this.
I'm bumping this because I got my daughter's D results.  Looks like her number - 53 - makes everybody happy!

The nurse said 25-80 was the normal range per the lab, but they like to see it between 35-50.  She said 53 was great.

Good to see Mirkin likes to see at least 50, then stop.  I think he'd say 53 was great, too, don't you?

I told the nurse I expected her D to be normal because we never treat for pain and it seemed low D was associated with pain.  She said yes, and said I wouldn't believe the number of kids they see who come up very low.   I'd believe it!   

Pip, actually I had read this before.  I was trying the 2000 IU Mon-Wed-Fri until the night sweats overtook me and I dropped down to 1000 IU.  Tomorrow I'm going to try the 2000 IU again now that my body's had a chance to adjust.Bumping - I think I remember his article addresses some of the questions on the other thread, plus he is easier to understand (to me!). And its that 'natural' D again.  I wonder why that is?
[QUOTE=Pip!]And its that 'natural' D again.  I wonder why that is? "I am reluctant to take supplements because one study from Australia suggests that they may suppress the body's ability to synthesize vitamin D."

Yeah, I thought about that after I posted.  I wonder who the Australians came up with that?  I mean, you think you'd be able to show that, chemically?  I wonder if we're also looking into that?
Go to his site and ask him!
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