Dry eyes | Arthritis Information


Ok everyone I have another quick question. When I went to the Opthamalogist on Friday he comented that my eyes were dry and said to start using OTC eye drops for dry eyes. He said that dry eyes were common in RA and could cause problems. Is there anyone who can shed some more info on this or who can direct me to info on the web about this.   I haven't found to much about it. Thanks everyone.I guess I should clarify. I don't really have any of the symptoms associated with dry, exept during alergy season. So I was wondering what way RA can affect the eyes and if there was any reasearch about it. I did find some but was wondering if any one else had better info.I have not noticed a difference, but I have had dry eyes since I was in high school. Diagnosed by an opthomologist. I wear contacts and use drops but usually only need them one a day if that much. I can not sleep in my contacts though even briefly because my eyes are way too dry to do that.  I work for an optometrist and have been in optical for 20 years now.  Auto immune diseases in general can cause dry eye, among many other things, such as hormones and medications.  Dry eye can cause redness, blurriness, tearing or pain.  The otc drop I like best is Systane but Tears Blink is also a good one.  For those of you who wear contacts, these drops can not be put in while your contacts are in, you need a special rewetting drop for that.  Acuvue Oasys and Ciba's Night and Day lenses are some of the best contacts for dry eye.  The Night and Days are marketed to sleep in but those with dry eyes will probably still not be able to do that but you should notice an increase in your wearing time. I also have dry eyes. I had no idea until  I kept getting what I thought was pink eye, which turned out to be dry eye. My eyes dont feel dry but I notice they water a lot if a fan is on.

I just use drops. My doc said it was associated with RA but didn't specify if it would be an issue, just to come back if it got worse. I guess that wan't very helpful. Thanks for that micheleb,  was wondering why my eyes felt dry will try what you have suggested.Some people w/RA have problems with dry eyes/dry mouth, or sjogren syndrome.  You might look at the the link below for more info.  Symptons can vary -- dryness can come and go, go into remission or progress.  There are steps you can take to manage dry eyes -- drops or ointments, taking omega 3, using hot washcloth compresses.  Hope the link is helpful, take care.
Thanks micheleb and others who posted info. It was very helpful. I checked out the sjogrens website but don't have  many of the symptoms to suspect it. I will speak with RD when I go on Thurs. Thanks again everyone. I have never had a dry mouth (until MTX) but before my RA dx, the opt. said I had dry eyes, and this year commented that I am "tolerating" a dry eye.  I have some symptoms but don't notice too much and getting eyedrops in my eyes takings cunning and/or force. So the opt. just said they are dry, do drops if you want.  He also said those with arthritis often have dry eyes.
It was almost a reassurance, like, hey, you aren't crazy, you really do have arthritis.  When will that silliness end?
Did he do the little test on you to test your tar production? They put these little strips on your eyes and you have to sit in a totally dark room for about 5 minutes trying not to blink. IT's the longest 5 minutes of your life! I have it and thought it sounded rediculous because I had more of a problem with my eyes tearing verses being dry. The doctor said it's because you make two kinds of tears. The ones that keep your eyes moist and the kind that make tears. When one over produces you have dry eye. Something like that anyway.
I use OTC drops and they are helpful. I do have SS so that causes it as well as terrible dry mouth. You can get an OTC spray for that too that I like a lot.
I have Sjogren's Syndrome, too and it can be quite uncomfortable. I;m now using Restasis for my dry eyes. It is drops and is supposed to help keep your eyes from becoming damaged by the dry eye.
Sjogren's also causes dry mouth and any other mucus meembrane. My skin is also very dry and lotion barely touches it.
Ask your rheumatologist about it. If it is Sjogren's, there are some treatments. I also carry bottled water everywhere! My mouth gets so dry I can't even speak without constantly sipping water.
Good luck! Hugs, Nini 

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