diuretics for swelling | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

   Has anyone ever taken any kind of diuretic for swelling in ankles hands or knees?  I was just wondering; kindof grasping at straws here.  Also, do wraps on akles help or help if there is swelling?  thanks
My ankles are very swollen, my feet too.  I've taken diuretics before and they help, but my doctor is reluctant to give them to me (I'm on so very many prescription drugs in addition to RA meds).  It helps to have them elevated, but as soon as I'm sitting in a regular chair, they swell up again.  It's tough when you can't exercise (I'm waiting for hip replacement surgery down the road and can't walk more than a few steps right now) because that can help too.
Do you not want to ask your doctor for diuretics?  Good luck, I know how uncomfortable swollen ankles and feet can be!
I don't do well with diuretics.  There are natural diuretics, green tea.  There is info at various sites.
I have taken Lasek. (sp? sounds like the eye surgery...) It didn't work. My ankles and feet looked like Shrek. What helped was wrapping them in ace bandages and keeping them elevated above hip level.Ok, thanks all.  No, I will ask my doc for diuretic or take one of my husbands if I get the nerve.  I have never taken any prescription drugs until the last eight months and now I've tried a dozen!!  Thanks again I have terrible swelling in my hands and feet.  I however, have sarcoidosis and not ra as previously thought.  I was on diuretics for about 6 months and they did not help me.  I do find that compression socks help, I sleep in them when they get real bad.  Even sleeping in soft cotton gloves helps my hands.  The constant movement of the fabric over your skin helps to stimulate the lymph system to drain better, thus reducing the swelling. I've been on Lasix for several years for edema in ankles and lower legs. Currently take 1 1/2  per day with 2 Klor-Con 8 (potassium) pills twice a day.
They usually help, but sometimes, even with the Lasix I still swell badly. My doc has me weigh every day and if I gain 5 lbs in a day (which I often do) I can up the dosage of Lasix a little bit. My weight can go up and down by 6-8 lbs in a day sometimes!
It can indicate other problems so make sure your doc is aware of the swelling.
[QUOTE=patandpaula]Ok, thanks all.  No, I will ask my doc for diuretic or take one of my husbands if I get the nerve.  I have never taken any prescription drugs until the last eight months and now I've tried a dozen!!  Thanks again [/QUOTE]

Please don't take prescription diuretics prescribed to someone else.  You could end up with serious problems.  Talk to your doctor if you think you need a diuretic.  Please!
I've been on Avalide for years, which is a combination of a hypertension pill (AvaPro) with a diuretic (HCTZ or hyrochlorothiazide I think).  This was before my RA even began.  My ankles are still swollen like softballs right now.
Talk to your doctor and see what they say.
Interesting about this swelling.   I have noticed the weight difference from day to day.  Saturday was a day when the weight was very low and looked and looked at the scale, got off, got back on.  Then the next day it was back up higher!  I thought this was going on now I know for sure.  I have never been offered diuretics.  I think they would be a good idea.  I do drink a lot of black tea with is supposed to be a natural diuretic but not enough.You should NEVER take diuretics without strict supervision of your doctor.   Do not take someone elses prescription. Your electrolytes need to be monitored closely while on these meds. [QUOTE=lorster]You should NEVER take diuretics without strict supervision of your doctor.   Do not take someone elses prescription. Your electrolytes need to be monitored closely while on these meds. [/QUOTE]

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