OT - Surge at Food Banks | Arthritis Information


This is from a April.  You've all see that IndyMac has failed?  And now Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. 

Wow Pip, this is worse than I thought.  Scary times we are in. Pip, It's as bad as I've ever seen it.  I volunteer cook at the senior center once a week and our price per person to feed has risen 50% in the last few months and I don't know how long our resources will allow us to provide lunches to the senior population.  There's no way to project.  Right now we're relying mostly on private donations and some creative cooking.  We're a privately run senior center and don't rely on the state for our funding.  In most ways that's good and even now I don't think if we had state funding that it would be any better.
I paid .67 for a loaf of whole grain bread last week!  I couldn't believe it.  I can almost comprehend .67 for a gallon of gas but .67 for a loaf of bread?  Can't quite get my tiny brain around that one. 
We had 6 friends for dinner last night and I don't even want to share what it cost to entertain 6 people.  I won't be doing that again, at least not until I've saved the money!  I've never seen costs this high and it's across the board. 
If there's anyone on the forum who would like to donate, please consider giving food to the food pantry.  It's really  needed.  In the U.S. food should be plentiful and available and it's not for a large part of the population.  We're the greatest, strongest, most proud country in the world but we have citizens who are going hungry.  Hunger is widespread and not just in isolated pockets of the population.  Hunger doesn't make distinctions, it's the old, the young, and everyone inbetween.  
As food prices soar so does the need at the food pantrys, senior centers, and dining rooms.  We've had an increase of 20% in the number of people that are attending lunch but we haven't had a 20% increase in donations nor has most of the food organizations. 
I'm sorry about the rant but it's such an important topic.  Lindy

It is an important topic! It breaks my heart to know there are so many people with hungry bellies while there are so many who have so much money they don't know what THING to buy next.

That is why I am so scared about this disease, If I have to chose between putting food in my kids mouths or buying my drugs, I am getting the food. I almost just don't want to go to the RA Dr. because I am so scared and denying I am sick won't help but at least I know I am going to keep food on the table instead of spend $ on drugs. My drugs are already over 0 a month and I am not on anything for RA, the bad part is that I have insurance, and that's my copays.  jennimom- I hear you and I feel for you. I feel like I have to stay well because I contribute more to the family funds and I have the health insurance. When I was out on medical leave we had to pay 00 a month for Cobra because my company is so small it doesn't have to pay the health insurance if I'm out...
I hear some of the drug companies will help if you are strapped-don't let that stop you from getting the help you need.

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