Slight Setback | Arthritis Information


So I have a slight delay in getting in to see the third rheumy. When I called my dr's office to see if he would re-instate a referral he had given my January but I didn't get a chance to make the appt, his nurse said that since he hadn't seen me in 6 mnths, that I should come in to see him and then he will do the referral. I should be able to get in to see him in about 2 weeks. I am tempted to see if I can go ahead and get him to do some hand xrays here on base since that seems to be pretty standard for most exams and a lot of times my insurance doesn't cover xrays in another dr's office so it might save some time. Even if I don't get any kind of definate diagnosis soon, it is nice to be able to talk to people who know what it's like!go ahead and make the appt with the 3rd rheumatologist while you are sense in putting that off 2 more weeks.  And sure have the pcp do as much testing and x'ray as you canGood Luck! Let us know how it goes!I was amazed, I got the appt with my doc here on base for Wed. morning. My doc is actually away right now so I am seeing a new one (only like the 4th doc I will have had to explain all this to, one draw back to military hospitals!) but I always keep in mind that sometmes a new set of eyes will see something the others missed! I can't make the appt til I have the referral paper work, but since I am getting in this week, I should have it by the beginning of next week.