Anyone with Tendonitis | Arthritis Information


Does anyone here have or experienced achilles tendonitis??? I need help with this. I was diagnosed in April. Was told to stay off 2 weeks from my daily exercise, alternate ice and heat, take advil type pain, and also was given steroid dose pack. It did not get better. I have called 2 times since April and my PCP calls in steroids each time with Cataflam this past time.

I have hobbled since April. It is driving me crazy. It hurts 24/7 literally, like a horrible tootache or earache. It never lets up. Steps and Stairs are a nightmare, on top of FM and some undiagnosed arthritis. When I sit at my desk during the day, I have to keep moving and adjusting it, as I can't rest it flat on the floor.
I don't wear heels to church, I wear comfortable work shoes. My ankle/heel/foot stays swollen all the time despite fluid tabs. I'm a mess. I hurt all over, all my joint, but this tendonitis is literally driving me, my family, my coworkers, my boss, everybody looney!!
I have an appt with a new Rheumy Aug 28. What do I do meantime?????????
Hi Kaymac!
I don't have achilles tendonitis but I am just getting over tendonitis in my hips. I'm not 100% yet but getting better. My doc sent me to physical therapy which really worked along with lots of ice packs. My physical therapist told me that tendonitis is really common to RA patients. I completely understand how miserable you feel. You have my sympathy!

I hope you get to feeling better soon!
I had achilles tendonitis in my left foot long before I had RA . It took me over a year to completely heal from it. I did oral steroids and later injected steroids. Almost kicked the dr. who was giving me the shot it was so painful. I felt better for all of 2 days and then was in total  misery again. Nothing seemed to work.   Hopefully you will find something that helps you feel better and deal with the pain until you can heal. 