Arthritis Information -New Here


Hello lostpost, I take it that you don't have insurance. Some of the drug companies

will help you out if you call their 800#. They will send you a form for you and
your Rd to fill out.
Bit here is a site that may help you in the meantime. you just fill in the spaces and print them out to take to your phamacy. It works like an insurance card and does not cost
you anything.
Good luck to you. And welcome here.
Also there are lots of different treatments for your Ra. What all have you tried?
I have RA and Ostioperosis and recently had to quit my much loved job. I just could no longer do the work. The Doctors put me on some meds for the RA, but it gave me ulcers. The one for bone density Actonel worked but now I can't afford it. Does anyone know of a way to get cheaper medications?
Thanks Bunches
Hi LostPoet...welcome!  Sorry about your job.