Lower leg pain | Arthritis Information


Hi all, I've not posted for a while - have been doing very well, thanks to cutting back on my schedule and getting a lot more rest.  Sleep IS the wonder drug!  :)

But I am having a sudden problem.  My lower legs hurt so badly.  At first I thought it was shin splints - it feels similar to that, only the pain seems to be radiating from my ankles and going up, almost to the knees.  They're so sore - I feel like I overdid a workout or jogged a mile, but I haven't.
Anyone else have this?  It's bad enough that I may call my doctor, but I'm not sure if it's related to RA or something altogether different.  Thanks,
YES!  There was a recent thread on this but I can't remember what it is under. A bunch of us have this. Mine feels like someone kicked me good in the shins but there is no bruise and that bone in the front from my ankle to the knee just aches like crazy from time to time. I don't know what it is tho. I told my RD- he thought it was from wearing high heels but I stopped that and it still happens. wanttobeRAfree2008-07-15 11:38:56Calves ache all the time !!!Yes, I have something similar but it's just the left leg.  It radiates around my ankle and up my calf and sometimes the thigh.  It also causes numbness in my foot.  Mine is definitely part of the disease process because MTX has helped it in the past.  My left calf hurts me to. it will wake me up at night
sometimes. It hurts andn it feels kind of like a
dead weight. Then it goes away after awhile. I
probably should mention it to RD on Thurs.both my lower legs ache at times and one night recently I could not get comfortable enough to get a decent nights sleep.  I have been dx with peripheral neuropathy so it may have something to do with that.  Doctor has no definite answers.
I have PN like ann1026 and Restless Leg Syndrome.. and that causes pain, wiggly feelings, inability to sleep, forced to move.. when I stop motion at the end of the night.. My calves feel exhausted... like I did the stair stepper or eliptical way too many times....
I would definitely share that w/ your RD.
That's been my biggest symptom for the past month. I have Fibro, and did some reading. I have IBS pretty bad whenever I flare, and I found out that taking acid reducers too much(? sort of) can cause your body to..hmm....I dunno how to word it.......mess up? Yeah, I guess it makes your body mess up taking in B-12. Which helps you uptake potassium.......which all in turn, when you have a lack of B-12, potassium, magnesium etc etc - you get leg cramps and leg pains.

Seemed like a pretty common thing with Fibro, so I started taking B-12 pills and Aloe Vera Pills (instead of harsh OTC meds) and so far, within a week, I feel like I have new legs.

I wish it was that easy for everyone.
arriscolwell2008-07-15 16:47:46I have peripheral neuropathy as well as low B12 and both can cause the sort of pain you're describing. I take Lyrica and it helps a lot. I also take B12 injections which makes a big difference as well.
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