B12 news | Arthritis Information


THe L.A. Time Health Section had Healthy Skeptic article on 5-Hour Energy drink containing B vitamins and caffeine.  Caffeine not good.  He doesn't recommend. 

Victoria Drake, researcher with Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State Univ in Corvallis says some people, especially seniors do need extra B vitamins as they have trouble absorbing nutrients.  Recommends supplements or shots, not gimmick drinks.
Actually, you can get it in Decaf. And the caffeine that's in one 5-hour energy drink is no more than a cup of coffee. So unless you were chugging one after the other, it's no more harmful than people drinking coffee.

Aside from that, it's pretty much a disgusting mix of vitamins and minerals. From what my doctor says, nothing in there your body would hold onto if it didn't need it. You'd basically pee it out.

Here's some more info on the drink:

I'm not sure why some energy drinks have to have a bad wrap, just cause others are wacko and over the top.

Justin (my b/f) has Chrons, and his GI even said he could use these drinks. And he takes B-12 through a shot once a week, so it's not as if he's not already getting far far far more than the DV of B-12.


Anyway, yeah. Not sure where I was going with all that..........but there ya go.

I heard about sublingual B12 and just found a website.  May look into it.


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