It makes sense now | Arthritis Information


you know how when you learn something is wrong with you and you kinda dwell on it and then it all falls into place. And then you have to make sure everyone else knows the new diagnosis? Well... I am past that now.

Like I told everyone... I was sooo much better off not knowing I have nerve damage. And no muscles in my hands. Life just seemed soo much easier not knowing all of that. LOL!
I guess that explains why my thighs have ALWAYS been mushy & flabby. I have never been able to get muscle tone in them, even when I was a kid.
It even makes sense why I have never been able to hold my own body weight with my hands. You know like pull up on a bar... well my hands always gave out once my feet left the floor. I thought it was my wrists, but now that I think about it, it was my hands. They would just let loose once my feet left the floor.
Yep... now it all makes sense!Joonie, I missed your post about nerve damage.  I didn't know.  Hugs to you o'l buddy.Sorry about all that, Joonie... but sometimes an explanation is helpful  w/ understanding
