tingling. funny sensations etc | Arthritis Information


anyone get this - i get a buzzing feeling in my feet quite a lot.  I also went through a spell where two fingers on my hands kinda felt weird when i touched things, like i could still feel it after i'd stopped for a second - also had vibrating feelings in hands on off and 'floater' in eye. oddly enough the two fingers that i had altered sensation in are now the fingers that the knuckles hurt on.  just wondering if any one else has this coz it kinda scares me sometimes.  forgot to mention - also went through a spell where my thumb was moving itself - as if there was an electric impulse in it which was making it shut over every few seconds.   My hands have done things as if they were "haunted".  No control.  I think they were muscle spasms.  If there is inflammation Julie, it is going to effect nerves and muscles.  Your "sensations" may be inflammation pinching a nerve.  I sure wish you would get a diagnosis Julie.  Frustrating.  Hang in there.  hi roxy how are you - i feel rough and fed up today I am better today Julie.  One day at a time remember?  Keep up the fight but don't panic.  I think I had RA a long time before I got my diagnosis and I am going to be just fine.  You have not experienced anything I haven't experienced.  Just keep your spirits up and do what the docs ask you.  Then if you continue to complain, they have to move on to new treatment.  GooD Luck thanks roxy - sometimes i just need a good slap 
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