Rheumatoid nodules | Arthritis Information


I've been hearing about these but not sure what they are...
On both elbows I have knots with scabs...
On both feet- top & bottom I have knots- kind of feels
like walking on marbles... some of the raised ones seem to have small
blood dots in them & are hard, while taking a bath I can use a stone
to get the top off... But most are under the skin & nothing can be done...
Are these R nodules?
Peace to you all...
Hi Critter, have a few questions for you.....what meds are you on and what is your diagnosis?  They could be one of several things.  Lindy
For RA:
Folic Acid        1mg             1/day
Methotrexate   2.5 mg         5/week
Diflunisal         500mg         2/day
Percocet           7.5/500mg  PRN
Phenergan         25mg           PRN
RA, Diabetes, NLD {link below in case you don't know this one}
Peace to you  Lindy...
I had those nodules for a long time on my elbows and when they got kind if raw
I would put neosporin on the at night with a bandaid.
They have been gone now for about 10 months and I so hope that they do not
come back.
They are an Ra thing. And hopefully yours will go away and never come back.
Hi Critter, ok, the elbows with scabs and nodules could be psoriasis.  You should call and make an appointment with your RD.  There is an arthritis called psoriatic arthritis.  It's very similar to RA and the treatments are basically the same.  Your RD needs to see these nodules or knots.  Lindy 
"psoriatic arthritis"
My RD, what can I say...
When I asked him if I could have fibro, he said:
"What difference would it make, you have RA and that's much worse, we'll just stick with that" It appears that he's happy with this one dx and doesn't feel any other is needed... Before everyone starts telling me to see another Dr. you should know most are in 1 practice and once you see 1 you stick with him... he's a good Dr., but not really forthcoming with info, thus my search for knowledge on this forum... the other RD's are too far away for me to drive to by myself... I do plan on having a list of questions for him next visit, getting tired of being a lamb in his office...
My goal is to manage RA as well as I do my Diabetes...
Have also come to the conclusion that I need to get off Meth, maybe something else would help more...
 "elbows with scabs and nodules"
He said it was RA related, but never said a name...
Peace to you LinB...
I think you're on the right track. Sometimes we are limited by circumstance and not able to see other Dr.s, but taking a stand when you're not satisfied is great!
Having a list of questions and making sure they get answered will probably give more peace of mind. Doing some of your own research will help you know exactly the right questions to ask and perhaps the tests that need to be done, there's NOTHING wrong with telling your doc that you want certain tests done. Sometimes what we learn and share may help someone else down the road. Another patient of this Dr, may come in with the same combination of symptoms and because you stuck to your guns and forced him to check out the facts, he'll have the knowledge and experience to recognize!

It's frustrating when Dr.s cookie cutter their RA patients. It's an individual disease and needs to be treated as such. And because it affects our immune system, we're susceptible to other things as well.

Oh, I hope you get through this ok.
I'll be praying and thinking of you. Let us know how things go your next Dr's visit!

Shine on~
Wow, you have turned the light on in my dark brain...
I'm going to post a thread explaining what I know and what questions & tests should be requested... Thank you so much for this help...
Like your saying "Some say the glass is half empty"...
Peace to you Anaudlife...

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