Grrr... can't sleep!!! | Arthritis Information


I'm supposed to be asleep an hour ago.  Dunno why I can't sleep.  My eyes just seem to spring back open.  I just took a Lunesta - maybe that will knock me out.  I haven't used it in a long time - I got the script several months ago when my family (extended, not husband/kids!) was driving me absolutely crazy.  It works well for me; it doesn't have a hangover like I get from taking benadryl or even xanax.  I've been having quite a bit of stress at work lately; I guess I have to get that ironed out.

I used to do that - for decades.  Would snarl at my hubby because he'd come to sleep like 40 minutes after me and WAKE ME UP.

Good luck dealing with the work issues.
Insomniacs of the world, unite! Dyslexics of the world - Untie!
[QUOTE=Pip!]Dyslexics of the world - Untie! [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Ah Pippy! In my head, I wanted to type that *so* bad!

Always makes me giggle. :)

Kelly, you ever been to F*cking addictive as sh*t. >.< And you can't play the GOOD games unless you pay. Or unless you're like me, and you know where to find a good "one month free" code. search out pogo and there's a month free link. Tee-hee.......

Though I've been a programmer for almost 30 years (yep, had a TRS-80 when I was 10), I've never been a gamer.  I have a Nintendo DS (pink, of course, so the boys won't take it!) but I mainly do crossword puzzles, sudoku, or Spanish lessons on it. What else you got from Stumbledupon?  Anything funny?
Jas, have you tried the new guitar hero for your DS? [QUOTE=lorster]Jas, have you tried the new guitar hero for your DS?[/QUOTE]

Not yet... now if they come out with Trumpet or French Horn Hero I might have to try it!
Hey, it was nice "talking" to you two again. :)

Have a great night!! I just took my Pamprin (DAMN THIS FIRST DAY OF THIS WICKED ASS WEEK) and I'm starting to feel like I could lay down without ripping the stuffing out of my pillow and throwing my mattress out the window. (I'm violent this week....)

*bats eyelashes* Tee-hee.
Kelly, just for you:
arriscolwell2008-07-16 21:55:53 [QUOTE=Pip!]What else you got from Stumbledupon?  Anything funny? Hey - I was walking around town and I saw this "Rock School"  - just like the School of Rock.  The kids get music lessons and then put in a band so they can play on stage.  I'm thinking that's perfect for the baby!  Ok, for me but my hubby says no.
[QUOTE=arriscolwell] Kelly, just for you:

Just ordered the trumpet!
I figured out why I can't sleep... a bunch of my fellow inmates and I broke out of our cells in the fluorescent prison this afternoon and sought refuge at the Dunkin Donuts down the street.  I forgot to ask for decaffeinated coffee.  And I ordered a large. [QUOTE=JasmineRain] Not yet... now if they come out with Trumpet or French Horn Hero I might have to try it!

My son plays the French Horn, Trumpet and guitar and has said the same thing. As much as he loves the guitar his first love is his brass instruments, especially the French Horn. He started playing in 6th grade.  Jas, do you play either of these instruments?

Hope you are able to get some sleep.
JasmineRain, That picture is too funny!!! [QUOTE=mom2threeinaz] [QUOTE=JasmineRain] Not yet... now if they come out with Trumpet or French Horn Hero I might have to try it!

My son plays the French Horn, Trumpet and guitar and has said the same thing. As much as he loves the guitar his first love is his brass instruments, especially the French Horn. He started playing in 6th grade.  Jas, do you play either of these instruments?

Hope you are able to get some sleep.

Yep - I played Trumpet (main instrument), French Horn and Baritone.  I've recently taken up flute.

Are you dyslexic?   A cousin and good friend are.



