Arthritis Act - Take Action | Arthritis Information


From the Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Network...
Take Action Today!
Time is Running Out -- WE NEED YOU TO TAKE ACTION

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Contact Congress Now

Congress has only 21 Congressional working days left to pass the Arthritis Act before they adjourn for the year. It is absolutely critical that you let the House Energy and Commerce Committee know that action on the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act (H.R. 1283) must happen now!

We need YOU to contact Chairman Dingell (D-MI) and Ranking Member Barton (R-TX) NOW and request the Arthritis Act be marked up before July 31 when Congress leaves Washington DC.  Despite the overwhelming support of 237 bi-partisan House Members of Congress, if the Act doesn't move now, it most likely will die in Committee. 

Please forward this message to other friends and family members – we need thousands of messages to flood into the Committee offices so that it is understood we want action NOW!

Click here to contact the Committee directly on their website – you will be asked to fill in the Committee web form and to write comments.  Please fill in your name and address on the web form, but phone number and email address are NOT required.

The text below may be cut and pasted into the comment section of the web form and you can add a few sentences of your own story and why you care if you would like.

Dear Chairman Dingell and Ranking Member Barton:

Please schedule an Energy and Commerce Committee markup of the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act (H.R. 1283) before the August district work period. 

This bill enjoys broad bi-partisan support with 237 House cosponsors, including 37 bi-partisan cosponsors on the Energy and Commerce Committee. 

This bill will greatly help the current 46 million adults and 300,000 children with arthritis and to address the expected 21 million more adults with arthritis by 2030.

A majority of Congress agrees that as a nation we must address the growing public health crisis in arthritis.  It is time to markup H.R. 1283 and help make the pain of arthritis history.



Do you know specifically what it provides?



This is the same act that has been around for a year and a half now without any action.  It may not be exactly what we need, but at least it's a start.
Here is the Arthritis Foundation's page about it:
And here is the detailed info:
And the Senate version:
This sort of thing should be a slam dunk. All of the arthritis and related diseases profoundly impact everyone. 