What is this?? Where do I go from here?? | Arthritis Information


I've posted some brief posts about my symptoms, but I would really like some feedback about what is going on with me. I'm still undiag...have upcoming appt end of Aug...

     Joint pain, fatigue, began with fingers and toes, knees then became severe (doc called OA), then other joints, dry eyes, mouth, feet, etc....Already have FM but that became better after Lyrica. Doc put me on Relafin for inflammation which doesnt' help.....then achilles tendonitis in April which is worse, 24/7 pain, Would you take them AGAIN for the 3rd time since April, considering I've been on massive amounts the past 7 years off and on for other reasons?
Then hand pain, is in my knuckles but on my palm side. Is this familiar to anyone? When I place my hands or feet flat on a surface, they feel like they are burning?? Then the palms of my hands hurt where the knuckles are.
     Present day, the back of my knees are hurting. Not the front like usual, the grinding, popping, but the back now where I rest them on the recliner foot rest? It's like I can't straighten them out or rest them flat on my bed. When I sit here at my desk, the back of my right knee in the bend is throbbing and aching badly. When I walk it aches and hurts, hard to straighten and I 've noticed thru out the day that it is traveling down into my calf. Does this sound like anything anyone here encounters with arthritis?? And my right shoulder is now painful (hasn't been), it's popping when I move it, a deep pain in the upper muscle like I've been punched, can't move it certain ways.
     Now just a comment or vent or whine a bit. I am finding myself more depressed from my illnesses. My FM became better after a year of what I thought was horrific. Now new symptoms, yet undiag, could be FM, arthritis, who knows....but I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of my coworkers comments about what I should do, my family here and there about what I should do, or those who make snide remarks out of lack of understanding. I'm sick of me whining about my aches and pains. Every single minute of the day! Today is my bday. I'm 44 yrs old and I have no life, so to speak. YES, others can be worse off, I know that.....but my life is not how I have visioned it and that saddens me deeply. It frustrates me that I don't know WHY I feel this way. No doc can tell me right now and that bothers me. This is not normal, whether they can treat me or not, I still want to know why I feel this way.
   What is next for me. I've considered quitting my job which is stressing me to the max right now because I'm in pain all day and coworker don't understand! I've lost my social life, some friends, and my family's patience is running out. I've gained weight from the Lyrica till I'm so fat and miserable. My insurance denys me the lap band surgery to help loose weight and all the doctors tell me to EXERCISE. Last time I went to the gym my achilles tendon acted up! Should I take the steroids for a month and gain more weight?????
I could have probably written most of your post. I also am undiagnosed. I have the joint pain on the bottom of my fingers as well, especially my thumb and index finger. I have the pain in the right shoulder just as you describe along with popping in most all of my joints. I was also given Relafen and it does nothing.

My PCP suspected RA when my labs came back slightly elevated, and referred me to an RD. I went to my first appointmen yesterday and he told me to lose weight (I have lost 30 pounds since September and things have gotten worse not better).

I too have become depressed and feel like I am losing my mind. I want you to know you are not alone. Today my PCP decided she was going to re-run my labs and see if anything has changed. She thinks I may have Reactive Arthritis if not Rheumatoid Arthritis. I guess I'll know more when my labs come back.

I just want you to know that there are others out there who know what you are going through.
Happy birthday
the steroids will help indicate whether the problem is inflammatory or not so yes I would try them in your case.  I think you have several things going on...most of all may be an exacerbation of the fibromyalgia. 
ask for a script for some physical therapy that should help the tight muscles and tendonitis.
are you seeing a rheumatologist
Thank u for the replies.
Yes, I'm on my 3rd Rheum. 1st one kept close check on all the blood work. Suspected some type of inflamm arthr...CRP stayed highly elevated and SED Rate slightly. He gave me exercises for the FM and put me on the LYRICA. He became very rude months later and he lost lots of patients, including me, and the 2nd rheum never touched me, never ran blood work, said CRP was high from obesity and tendonitis would get better. So I'm awaiting my 3rd appt, Aug 28th.
I took the steroids first time and it helped the tend but came right back. Along with Cataflam for 3 days.
I can feel for you! I too an undiagnosed and on my way to seeing a 3rd RD as soon as I get the auth. number from my insurance co. My joint pain started in my knees but has quickly spread to my fingers and toes which hurt pretty much all the time now.  I hope your 3rd RD (as well as my own) can get you the help you need!
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