RD follow-up | Arthritis Information


Well, I can't sleep again. My nerves are getting the better of me. Had  my follow-up with RD today.  X-rays revealed a number of things. There is already soft tissue damage.  There is a cyst in my right wrist. (I'm not sure exactly what the cyst is I totally forgot to ask)  I have degenerative damage in the spine. Both feet are pretty messed up and both have spurs. (being referred out to podiatrist) Also have some bone calcification. Gotta go for a DEXA scan too. And a pneumonia vacine which I should have already gotten before starting new meds. PCP apparently didn't get that message from RD.
I will start mtx and placquenil after next week because  Rd will be out of town on a confernce and prefers I wait to start the new meds until she's back in case I have any side affects from the mtx. Now I gotta admit I am a little scared about starting these meds. But heck I am more scared about what this doggone RA will do to me if I don't take them. 

I did ask for copies of all testing results/ x-ray readings I think I am going to start keeping a log of sorts. 

Ok  I know it's been said before but I just gotta say it again RA sucks! ! !  

Sorry that your results are showing some damage - hope the meds kick in quickly and stop the progression.   I also feared the meds, but everything you take has side effects.  The reality is that not taking anything is a worst outcome, so you learn to get over the fears.   

And you're right - RA does suck.  
ditto!!!! Double Ditto!Sorry about the progression, I wish I could get a Dr to do x-rays on me. I am too tired and in too much pain to be fighting with people about what tests I think they should be doing. 
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