quick question | Arthritis Information


does having ra make it more likely you'll have or get other auto immune diseases like MS for example?  Does anyone have MS or another auto immune disease as well as ra? I have always been told that having one autoimmune disorder opens the
door for others. So far for me this has not been the case. However, I do
know people who were diagnosed with RA first and then Lupus included
fun fun..


I've heard of the connection between RA and MS....read something about it a while back but I don't remember much about it..just that there might be a connection.  I'm not going to worry about it though.


The connection was with the biologics I think.  It is a very low incidence side effect.  I don't sweat it.  Julie, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO QUIT WORRYING Apparantly auto-immune things can go hand in hand, but that doesn't mean
if you've got RA you'll get another disease as well. I have secondary sjogren's
to the RA, and it sucks, but it's liveable. Medication helps big time

ps Julie stop worrying about things right now, stress just makes it worse.  Stop thinking about what could happen, because most of the time it doesn't.  Take care

meme38619.833912037god, i know, my feet and hnds kkep vibrating and buzzing and i keep having muscle spasms and my thumb shuts over and over again itself and i have black floaters infront of my eyes - i'm kinda freakin' out. I would say no.


Can you call tomorrow and ask your dr about this? It seems that at least it would ease your mind.

Yes other autoimmune conditions can go along with, but not necessarily.  I have cardiomyopathy, which arrived  in Jun 2002. I always wonder if the RA which was first diagnosed in about 95 opened the door, but then OTOH I had IBS in high school...


Who knows.


Go to your Dr and get checked out



Julie  check with your dr about your symptoms it could be nerves, it could be side effects from meds, but let him check it out and see.  Your dr can talk to you about the chances of you getting another autoimmune disease, they are probably slim.  You see I started with hypothyroidism BEFORE I got ra, pa, and oa.  My rd explained for people with thyroid problems this is common, also when your thyroid level is not normal it can emphasize the aches and pains of athritis too.Please try and relax Julie and get some rest, talk to your dr and I will keep good thoughts for you.  Here is a rose just for you too, I hope it makes you feel better.!!!aaawwwwwwwwwwww.  shucks Do you take any medication at all Julie? Even over the counter?


I have MS (diagnosed in 1991) and RA (diagnosed in 1994)--Kelly is correct.  The MS/RA connection she heard of was in regard to the biologics.  The only one of the four biologics I can take is Kineret, because Humira, Enbrel and Remicade are thought to bring on MS in some people.  I bolded that because in most people this is not an issue.  Now in my case, it is an issue, because in those already having MS, those biologics have been proved to exacerbate MS symptoms.  I want to tell you something else--if had a choice between having MS or RA, I'd take MS.  Why?  Because it doesn't hurt!  Yes, it messes with your quality of life, but the pain when RA first presented itself was frightening and excruciating.

Julie, you're making yourself crazy.  You're researching yourself nuts.  You're doing the what-if thing, and you're playing a head game with yourself.  Can't blame you, since you can't seem to find compassionate medical care.  But for your own good, you've got to stop.  Seems to me that the time you're spending thinking about the possibilities has got to be diminishing your day-to-day existence with your baby and husband.  Step back, look around, and see the good things now and then.

Take care, sweet girl.

Sara~You've said what I haven't quite been able to find the words to say for a while now.

She's exactly right Julie. I know what you have is painful; but what you're doing is not helping yourself, but it may indeed me hurting you.

If you have a serious medical condition it's going to prove itself eventually. In the mean time enjoy your new baby and nurture your relationship with your husband.

OTC antinflamatories will help you a great deal to at least mangage the pain. Please at least give it a try.

I found that the Tylenol Arthritis relieved SOME of my aches during a flare. My RA is so severe that I was surprised it helped some.

I found that Motrin worked very well for me before I started getting treatment early on. I spent the first year in pain because I didn't have insurance.

3 motrin...or advil helped alot. Later I found out that 4 advil is the same as precription strength. Only cheaper!!

One thing to watch with any of the anti-inflamatories... your stomach. I've torn mine up with taking so much (many days over 12 ibu). I keep malox tablets with me and take one when I take advil and I've learned to live with a certain amount of pain drug free. For one thing, it keeps me from overextending and hurting myself more.


make sure your taking them on a full stomach, that will help you from hurting your stomach, You know you can go to a gp to treat your symptoms.  That is what I did for six months.  Gave me NSAIDS and prednisone and anti depressants.  I have to say - besides Enbrel - my prozac has been the most beneficial drug I have taken.  Many of you remember how I was freaking out in the beginning.  The pain and the fear was just too much for me.  You guys and prozac were my lifesavers.  I never thought I would have to be on an anti depressant - but it also helps with the pain.  No side effects.  Julie, these are things that a gp can help you with.  You need to start focusing on something else because I know when I dwell on my ra - it just gets worse.  Come back here and PLAY with us.  We will support you always but I hope you can see how your worrying is only making matters worse and is likely alienating you from your family.  There is nothing more critical to your well being than your family.  I think the advice that Lovie and Sara gave you may be your best medicine.  Before I saw my GP who sent me to the RD, I was taking 4 ibuprophen, then 4 tylenol, 4 aspirin and rotating those every 4 hours and taking lots of hot baths! I was so lucky my stomach didn't get eaten up. We thought I had the flu for awhile.  We didn't have insurance either Lovie and the blood work cost us 0 alone..this was in 1992. Can't imagine what it is now.

I forgot to mention the stomach problems this stuff could cause. Definately eat something first....ALWAYS!! The malox is an excellent suggestion too.

Mags; having RA that first year and knowing how expensive it all is has certainly made me very, very grateful for my insurance. I have no idea how I'd manage without it. I feel so bad for those of you without it. If it wasn't part of my benifits package through work I wouldn't have it either. Mine is right at 0 a month. I can't afford that by myself. Thank god for a good job.

I know what you mean.  At the time I was diagnosed we actually did have insurance but had to pay a huge deductible..so we had to pay for everything til we reached it and it took forever! By that time we were back in FL, and on another insurance plan that didn't cover pre-existing for a year.
I never went to the doctor until I had RA except for the lady checkups. Since January I've been to the RD more than ever, but he is new to me and is tweeking my meds, then I started on the study.
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