Simple Question? | Arthritis Information


Doctors treat the pain and swelling and I guess perhaps that is the first step to get relief but it  seems that they continue to do this when one drug stops working they step it up to the next.
Why not cure the immune system I don't know enough to know if that is possible but it seems that most of the drugs now out there only go to lower the immune system more rather then to boost it.
I am new to this as you all know, and don't know why my immune system is low I hope that maybe my Dr can tell me at my next visit.
The only things I can figure out is lack of Vit D (spend a lot of time indoors because the sun is sun intense here in South Carolina, and I do smoke, I don't drink, I was not exercising much just got lazy I guess? I have no other vices ,(unless being 63) (that I can think of) that would harm the body.
What can one do to boost the immune system?

no one knows what the cause is yet.  Ap people calim its infection but they have no proof.  Other scientists claim its autoimmune but nothing definitive has been proven there either  if you dont' know what exactly is broken you can't fix i so all we can do is put bandaids on it. 

eat healthy, exercise, keep your stress low...these things can help
I was afraid your answer was going to be that!
The problem with science is it takes a lot more 'proof' than it does in a court of law.  There are a lot of studies putting mycoplasmic infection at the scene of the crime.  They've found them in synovial fluid, in the plaque of Alzheimers, inside kidney stones, inside cysts, in anything the body tries to encapsulate including cancer tumors.  Yet still they say 'no proof'.  If this were law - there's DNA evidence of them being in the right place at the wrong time (finger prints).  And pictures of them from 'video camera's' (darkfield microscopes).  And the list is endless.  Yet still science sputters along trying to pin this on 'the body's at fault' instead of the real perp - cell wall deficient bacteria.
If that happened in a court of law there would be a huge public outcry.
APers say 'boost the immune system' to help your body fight back.
Autoimmune people say 'don't boost an already over active immune system'.  Which makes me wonder - if we don't take supps (like probiotics, or Vitamin D, or whatever) wouldn't that make us sicker? 
I think it's telling that the people doing the best on immunesuppressents are the ones that take supps.  Like D.  Even if its a potent steroid hormone. 
[QUOTE=Pip!]The problem with science is it takes a lot more 'proof' than it does in a court of law.  There are a lot of studies putting mycoplasmic infection at the scene of the crime.  They've found them in synovial fluid, in the plaque of Alzheimers, inside kidney stones, inside cysts, in anything the body tries to encapsulate including cancer tumors.  Yet still they say 'no proof'.  If this were law - there's DNA evidence of them being in the right place at the wrong time (finger prints).  And pictures of them from 'video camera's' (darkfield microscopes).  And the list is endless.  Yet still science sputters along trying to pin this on 'the body's at fault' instead of the real perp - cell wall deficient bacteria. If you want the AP version of events, please get the New Arthritis Breakthrough by Henry Scammel available on Amazon.  Also some libraries.
