How you get out of a fibro flare? | Arthritis Information


I am guessing, this is a fibro flare I am in and not so much RA. But I am swelled, but the pain is everywhere!

I should have guessed it was fibro way back when I got the steriod drip of medrol, and I only had one good day and the rest have been pretty much painful. My swelling is way down, but I hurt so much more and everywhere! And stiff!
My stiffness does not go away until I take some pain meds, and then I can move around a bit more freely.
My shouder blades are burning again. I was folding clothes and well... I have been beaten up by towels, a washcloth or 2, a couple of hubby's jeans, and a pair of son's under-roos. Yep they all caused me to have pain in my fingers, hands , and wrists. I cannot believe clothes beat me up.
It seems like everything can kick my @ss!
But my fingers are not painful when something touch them now! The ultracets fixed that to a point, my fingers are still swelled though, but not much stiffness.
Crazy crap... I tell YOU!
Make it all go AWAY! Like calgon does!Thanks for the reply innerglow! I was jjust thinking about you and your step-son. Wondering how everything was going for both of you.
Yep, pain meds, hot showers and laying in bed off & on seemed to help just a little.
Iam to the point of turning on the heated mattress pad, and it is already like 75 degrees in the house! I am hot, yet feel compelled to turn on the mattress pad. The heating pad is NOT big enough to help what all hurts!
I am going to try and go back to sleep now. I am getting sleepy, meds are kicking in. Woohooo!!

joonie, I hope you managed to get some restful sleep.  I am always too hot and more so lately, so I woke up in a sweat.  I can't even think about it being 75 degrees in the house, much less using a heating mattress pad too!  But if it works for ya....

And thanks for thinking of us.  We haven't seen my stepson lately, but his infusions are doing something...the pain is going away even though so far his vision hasn't improved.  As for me, I'm having more back pain which makes it difficult to tell how my RA is doing...although my pain mgmt doc yesterday (in a follow-up visit on the unsuccessful SI joint injections) said that RA can affect the SI joints.  This is the first time I've heard a doctor say that, but he said it somewhat reluctantly.  As if it is more likely to be anything else but that.  Unfortunately they've come to the end of the line on treating my low back and SI joints, but I am taking Vit D supplements so maybe that will do something.  And while my inflammation markers have dropped down, I haven't seen a corresponding difference in how I feel.  In fact, my ankles have been more swollen lately.  So I'm waiting to see what will happen.
