Too Many New People | Arthritis Information


It worries me so much that there seem to be more and more and more sick people these days.  And so many that are under 50yrs old.  Just too young to be sick.  Makes me wonder what our governments are doing to us that is making the numbers so large.

Can I paraphrase an old Twilight episode?

It's in the food!
It's people.......Soilent Green is made out of peopleyou are seeing  large influx of people form the arthrtitis foundatin board which is having some serious maintance issues*phew* thanks for that heads up buckeye! [QUOTE=Linncn]It's people.......Soilent Green is made out of people[/QUOTE]

LOL you had to go there!
This is only the beginning of the flood of millions with AI diseases from poor diet, chemical exposure, and inheritance of the right DNA. The secret's in the sauce...
Hmmmm, maybe if we had universal health care . . . .
LOL Joy!
And the rest of these guys were grosing me out - but I started it so - maybe I grossed myself out!
 It's all my mother's fault!!!
 (She took all the blame on herself when I was first diagnosed)

Perhaps the perception is due to the fact that we don't have to battle the diseases and tragedies that killed our ancestors?  100 years ago, it was not uncommon to be killed on the job (whether that job was at home on the farm, or at a factory somewhere).  That's if you actually lived to adulthood without succumbing to dysentery, pneumonia, scarlet fever, flu, measles, mumps, etc.  Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease... these all existed, but quite often their victims didn't know what was wrong until they became very ill and died.  Chronic illnesses didn't have much of a chance of becoming chronic, as they tended to just kill their victims much more quickly. [QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=Linncn]It's people.......Soilent Green is made out of people[/QUOTE]

LOL you had to go there!
Jas.I'm just glad someone knows what that meant.  Figures it'd be you. 
Yeah.  As a matter of fact it was on tv a few weeks ago.  Hadn't seen that one in a long time.  :)its on tv again tonite on TMCwhat a coincedence