Pericarditus anyone? | Arthritis Information


I started enbrel on July 7th not the best experience ever but started feeling a great improvement in my movement within a few days but had some chest problems but they were not too bad. Took my second shot a week later and symptoms got worse. Spoke to enliven Wednesday night and the nurse said chest tightness and difficulty breathing were not a side effect of enbrel but they would log it. If it got worse see a Dr. Okay Thursday at a kids birthday party things felt much worse and called my RD, he's out of town until Monday. They said they'd keep a note of my call and to go to the ER if it got worse. Friday CVS special order pharmacy nurse called to see how I was doing, I explained what was going on and she said to see a DR asap, not Monday. My PCP squeezed me in at 2.30 and I did not leave until 6.30. EKG, X-rays and even had me hooked up to a crash cart. The first EKG was normal and then DR listened to my heart and then I had a turn like a panic attack. Could not catch my breath, dizzy, tears rolling down my face, heart racing. My DR was wonderful. Cardiologist had already left for the day, but another RD was still there and they diagnosed pericarditus, not too much fluid but I am on strict rest. DR wanted me in the hospital but I have promised to do nothing and let my family do it all. No stairs, nothing. I called my husband to pick me up, no driving, and she gave him the talk too. Have emergency numbers etc on hand. What a weekend. I have to see the RD on Monday and take 40mg of prednisone at bedtimes. No enbrel on Monday of course. Has anyone else experienced this and how did it change their treatment?

Thanks for any advice or info you can give.
Hi Jenny,
I've had pericarditis twice but before I was dx with ra. Probably at least ten years ago. Where you given antibiots? My dr at the time made a comment on how it was very unusual it was to get it especially twice. I was dizzy and short of breath. Luckily, I didn't have any fluid there. I took antibiotics and was fine a few days later.
I hopw you get better soon.
take care
Hi CinDee,
Was your pericarditis due to a bacterial infection? I'm not sure about the antibiotics. They did not prescribe them and I would be very reluctant to take them as I am in recovery from cdiff @ 50 days post antibiotics for that. I understand that RA can cause this and so can enbrel. Just not sure where to go from here. Chest pains, difficulty breathing, dizzy, unusual heart rythms, all this is quite scary. It's not like it's a cold or viral infection. I've no idea what is to come. Was your diagnoses any time near your episodes of pericarditis?
How are you treating your RA now?
Thanks for your help
Take Care
That condition unfortunately occurrs in 30-50% of RA patients.  So, it may not have anything to do with starting enbrel.  In fact, I have seen articles where they feel enbrel will help the condition by getting the RA under control.  It must have been scary for you.  I have also just started enbrel, so I can understand your fear.  I too would have ahd a panic attack.  Please let us know what your Dr. thinks.
I will say someone should have seen you earlier.  Chest pain and shortness of breath is nothing to be passive about.  I am glad your DR. stuck with you.
You did say the 1st shot was not the greatest experience.  What happened?
Hi MJ,
I was so looking forward to my first enbrel shot as I had been unable to take my meds for approx 6 months due to c diff. Lots of swelling and unable to do so many things. The day came for my much awaited shot and the first auto injector which was warm failed. The nurse then got another injector straight from the fridge and used that. It was so cold and the enbrel so thick it took a long time for the injector to push and the burning was extreme. I thought I was going to pass out in front of my kids (Yes they were there). I'm not scared of needles and it's not usually a big deal. I get poked and prodded all the time. This was just really bad. Never let anyone inject you without warming the enbrel first.
My second shot was just great, dh was supposed to do it, but made me do it at the last moment. It took away all the apprehension and I was well iced and the enbrel was warm. It went really well, no pain or discomfort. The enbrel also worked really well on my RA, GREAT results in such a short time. Just the chest tightness started 2 days after my first shot of enbrel. The Dr did say RA can cause this but the onset was so sudden and started after only 2 days, it subsided slightly and with the 2nd shot got much worse. It does appear as though the enbrel is the trigger so no enbrel for me today. I will see my RD tomorrow. I hope the enbrel works well for you. Good Luck.
Take Care
What a horrible frist shot experience.  Sounds like the nurse was in a rsuh to get you out.  I was told to never give it until 15-30 minutes out of the fridge.  Yes, that burning is something else.  Then, to have this happen, how awful for you.
I hope you get well soon.  Sorry you have had this experience.
Hi Jen, sorry it took so long to get back with your questions. I was dx with ra in 2005. I had pericarditis about 13 years ago. I remember my son was a toddler and he's 15 now. It must have been bacterial because both times I was put on anti biotics. I am currently taking enbrel and have on it for about 8 months. It's working quite well. I hope you are feeling better. I'm sorry you have to go through pericarditis, it's scary when it involves your heart. I haven't had any problems since and I hope you don't either.
take care
Thanks CinDee,
You must have been so scared with pericarditis and having a toddler. My kids are 6 & 10. Still a terrifying thought. It's good to hear you are doing well on enbrel. I must admit it was working great on my joints but it is definatley wearing off. No idea what they are going to do or say today.
I wonder is there anyone out there who has had this due to RA or enbrel? What happened with your treatment? No idea as to where to go from here.
Thanks for the well wishes,
Take Care
Jenny - I came back to read this as I didn't the first time thru as I know nothing about pericarditis. 
My neice on imunnesuppressents got c diff.  Did your GI doc prescribe probiotics as the Amer. College of Gastoenterologists suggest?  That will help get the balance back in whack. 
As far as I can recall, pericarditis was the very beginnings of my Adult Onset Still's Disease. It was a one time occurence. I can only compare it to having pneumonia of the heart.
Yes I'm an advocate for probiotics now. Don't think I will ever be without them now. Have been through quite a few but Culturelle and now primadophilis reuteri pearls are my favs.
Island Woman,  I'm sorry I don't know anything about Still's disease. I hope the pericarditis did not last too long before they figured out what was going on. Yes pneumonia of the heart sounds about right. When you're really sick and you have bronchitis and you have to cough deeply and you get that really sharp pain, spasm. It's like that almost all of the time. I don't have a cough or any cold, it's just hard to breath, I'm light headed, circulation sucks. Sitting outside 95 deg with a summer sweater on. It's hard to sleep because you can't lie down. I've never known anything like this. Hope it passes quickly.
Thanks for the responses,
Take Care
