creaky RA guy plays in concerts | Arthritis Information


Warning!!! Shameless self-promotion to follow.

I play mandolin in the San Francisco Mandolin Orchestra.  I consider it a real victory over RA that I can continue to play, though stiffness in my hands does slow me down at times.  Many hours of practice have finally paid off and we are performing in a concert tonight and next Sunday in the SF bay area.  If anybody is local to this area and wants to drop in you are more than sure and ask for Alan and introduce yourself.  Here's the announcement.
San Francisco Mandolin Orchestra,
Director, Nicola Swinburne
Presents a concert of
Renaissance and Modern Music for Plucked String Orchestra
Including selections from Respighi's Ancient Airs and Dances and pieces by contemporary American and Italian composers.
Also featuring Todd Billeci and Eric Hamilton with Mandocello and Guitar duo, Her Majesties Noyse

Saturday July 19, 8-10 pm
Community Music Center
544 Capp Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Sunday July 27, 4-6 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
505 East Charleston Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Donations (adults)/ (students/seniors). Refreshments served.

See for more information.
cool too bad I'm 2000 miles away!!
which one is you?
I'm on the far right just in front of the stand-up bass player.
Ohhh Alan, how I would love to go!  You should be very proud of your accomplishments for goodness sake.  Lots of hard work & dedication for sure.  I for one am very proud to know you Alan.  Break a leg!

A hug...GG
I lived in the Bay area for 23  years and believe me I'd be there if I could.  I would love to  hear the glorious sounds.  LindyAlan,
That's great that you play mandolin with a group, and despite the RA can still play.  If your group ever makes it to the Sacramento or Santa Rosa, let me know, it would be fun to come listen.
When my Uncle passed, I inherited his mandolin - a Gibson, nothing fancy, but a Gibson.  I played around w/it for a while before my fingers twern't too nimble.
Anyhoo, have a wonderful and enjoyable musical evening.
Alan, having two music major sons (French Horn, Trumpet) of my own I am very fond of  music. I especially like marching bands and orchestra music.  I served as parent to more students than I can remember  during  the  8 years of high school marching band with my sons. Such fond memories. I know the dedication and hard work that you have put into your music. I would love  to hear you play  unfortunately I am all the way out here in AZ.
Be proud of all you have accomplished.
Old Gibsons can be very valuable mandolins.  The most expensive mandolins you can buy are Gibson "Loar" F-style mandolins from the 20's...some sell for 0,000!!!  Alas, mine (a Rigel)  cost a mere ,000...but truly a wonderful instrument.  Music can make everything a little bit better, and playing is so much more soothing than just listening...excellent therapy!  After the concerts, my RD wants me to start twice a week physical therapy for my hands to try to combat some of the stiffness...hope it helps.
My son is also a very talented musician.  He plays guitar, piano, and saxophone.  I'm always amazed at how easily he improvises.  I'm afraid my playing is driven by skill, not talent, and I'm for the most part enslaved to the notes on the page.
I'll have to take my Uncle G's mandolin to Antique Roadshow, ha!  It's plain, so though may be worth something, probably not bunches. 
Playing an instrument, making music, is fun, uplifting.  I started on the clarinet in school, I hate to see music cut out of our school curriculum, its a good experience.  For Christmas, my 12 yr old niece gave me the gift of playing Ode to Joy (Beethoven) on her trumpet -- a present I will remember.
Good luck w/the PT, it should help keep you playing for many years to come.  Again, have a great concert tonight. 
Alan hopefully the therapy will help you. I am always amazed at my 2 sons who play instruments. I know it's God given talent they have because  neither mom or dad has a lick of musical ability.  But I do so love to hear them play. Oldest son is currently helping out in church worship group playing guitar. He should graduate in about a year from university  Youngest is a sophomore at local college heading to university in the fall. I also play in our church worship band...a very cool and rewarding expierience.  We play in the contemporary service so it's pretty much a "rock and roll" band...guitar, drums, bass.  I actually play a solid body, electric, octave mandolin.  It's a lot of fun and very different from the orchestra.  Well, time to pack up and head for the city!
How exciting for you!! I wish I could come to listen.Is there anything on utube or elsewhere
to hear what you do? I have heard Antonio Vivaldi , nice and relaxing to listen to.
If the recording turns out good I'll post some of the pieces.  Ok, time to put on the tie...ugh...and hit the road.
Sounds wonderful!!!  I wish I lived there so I could go see you.  I'm a professional musician (classical pianist) and have slowed down a bit since developing RA...  But I'm still hopeful that I won't have to change careers!  It's inspiring to see you performing!Yes- post some pieces for us far away people. Best of luck on your performance!

Sounds terrific!!!!!!  Glad you shared this with us.

Jan in so. CA


I also like classical music.  Fan of FM radio station KUSC, you can hear it on the web at   It has listeners all over the world!!!
Hi Alan!
How exciting! I'm going to try and convince my husband to come with me to see the concert this weekend. I grew up in a very musical family- mom was an orchestra teacher , dad was a band director. All of us kids had to learn an instrument. My brother is now a violin maker and has actually made a mandolin which is absolutely gorgeous. My mom is still very active in music volunteering most of her time at the Santa Barbara Music Academy. I hope I get to see you this weekend. Have a fabulous concert! It looks like the group is a blast!!
Alan, I would so love to come to your concert! I love mandolin music. I'm down is So. Cal and not able to travel at the moment, but maybe someday.....
Have a great concert and tons of fun!!
Hugs, Nini
