OT - Sushi | Arthritis Information


I kept trying to get off the sushi as it has to be bad for you - parasites and all.  Look what I found today - LOL

Hi Pip, When I started biologics I was told not to eat sushi, sprouts, and wash all vegetables and fruits carefully.  I'm pretty careful even when I eat in restaurants.  Since we live part of the year in Mexico I refrain from eating off the street carts.  Unfortunately, that's where you can get the best Mexican food but the carts for the most part don't have a basin or sink for the food handlers to wash their hands.  When I did eat sushi or off the carts I never got sick but I don't think I want to chance it now.  Lindy 

I am under strict orders never to eat salads at restaurants as it is not washed well enought and the leftover dirt contains the parasites.  I LOVE SUSHI LOL

Lin - the articles saying the seaweed wraps are antimicrobial!  I feel I've been saved - OK, only a little, but that means I can lie to myself a bit more.  :-)
If the raw fish in sushi is the concern, note not all sushi has raw fish.  The popular California roll does not, and there's another one, inori(?) that's just flavored rice in a tofu/egg(?) wrapping.
Thanks Pip though for the info on seaweed -- good to know. 
Pip, I realize that they are antimicrobial but the seaweed isn't the only reason to stay away from sushi when you're immune suppressed.  Raw, undercooked, veggies that haven't been washed well, rice that's probably been sitting at room temp. or close to it for the day.  None of this bothers non immune suppressed individuals but sure could make us sick.  The last thing I want is the runs for days at a time especially at my age. 
Cathy, I love Sushi but.......I usually get soups when we go out instead of salad.  I had salmonella when I was young and spent several days in the hospital and was very sick.  I can't imagine how it would affect me now.  Lindy
Not to be a total bummer, but the seaweed used in sushi restaurants, also known as "nori", is probably not the same variety of seaweed with the anti-microbial properties...

I did a search on Wikipedia....


The bad news is that "There are several grades of nori available in the United States. The most common, and least expensive, grades are imported from China, costing about six cents per sheet. At the high end, ranging up to ninety cents per sheet, are "delicate shin-nori (nori from the first of the year's several harvests) cultivated in Ariake Bay, off the island of Kyushu in Japan." [2]'

You can rest assured that most sushi places will provide us with the crappy 6 cent Chinese stuff.

Also says:

Production and processing of nori by current methods is a highly advanced form of agriculture. The biology of Porphyra, although complicated, is well understood, and this knowledge is used to control virtually every step of the production process. Farming takes place in the sea where the Porphyra plants grow attached to nets suspended at the sea surface and where the farmers operate from boats. The plants grow rapidly, requiring about 45 days from "seeding" until the first harvest. Multiple harvests can be taken from a single seeding, typically at about ten-day intervals. Harvesting is accomplished using mechanical harvesters of a variety of configurations. Processing of raw product is mostly accomplished by highly automated machines that accurately duplicate traditional manual processing steps, but with much improved efficiency and consistency. The final product is a paper-thin, dark, black, dried sheet of approximately 18×20 cm and 3 grams in weight.

So, we should probably buy Organic Nori b/c the farmed stuff is probably full of fertilizers and pesticides.I love sushi and raw oysters too.  I have not been advised against any foods so  I haven't made any changes in my diet.  No problems so far :)
Snow, it's good to see you.  I've missed you.  Hope you've been well.
Oh, man - this is not boding well for keeping the sushi in the diet.  Cdndream - yep, I/m guessing organic is best but...
And Cathy, I thought just the idea of parasites would have you going~

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