Bad brain day | Arthritis Information


So, since I woke up about an hour ago... I have been reversing and mixing words together. Even when I type!

Like when I typed down, my brain spelled it now.
when I was talking to hubby... I said Cheaping shipper, when it was to be cheaper shipping.
I have been babbling, like my sentance makes no sense because it just sounds like a bunch of mumbled up babbling.
I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now, but it is getting worse.
I think it might be the fibro flare that is causing it, because it gets worse when I am doing not so good.
Anyone else do this?
of all people you cannot automatically blame symptoms such as these on fibro.   You get yourself into trouble that wat  These are the types of symptoms you ned to be reporting to your doctor as they are signs of TIA's.  In fact a trip to the emergency room wouldn't be out of order with your previous history of stroke
Joonie, if it's worse today, getting worse or isn't getting better please GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.  This is one of the signs of a stroke.  Lindy
Women and Stroke 

Unique Symptoms in Women 

It is important to recognize stroke symptoms and act quickly.

Common stroke symptoms seen in both men and women:

Women may report unique stroke symptoms:

Stroke is an Emergency:  F.A.S.T. Action Saves Lives

A new National Stroke Association study shows most Americans do not treat stroke as an emergency. When a stroke -- or brain attack -- first hits, many people don't even recognize the symptoms and do not immediately call 9-1-1. In fact, a recent National Stroke Association survey reports 1 in 3 Americans cannot name a single symptom a person might experience while having a stroke.

Every minute counts for stroke patients and acting F.A.S.T. can lead patients to the stroke treatments they desperately need.  The most effective stroke treatments are only available if the stroke is recognized and diagnosed within the first three hours of the first symptoms. Actually, many Americans are not aware that stroke patients may not be eligible for stroke treatments if they arrive at the hospital after the three-hour window.

Use the following tool to help you recognize stroke symptoms and act F.A.S.T.:

Act F.A.S.T.


Ask the person to smile.

Does one side of the face droop?


Ask the person to raise both arms.

Does one arm drift downward?


Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence.

Are the words slurred?  Can he/she repeat the sentence correctly?


If the person shows any of these symptoms, time is important. 

Call 911 or get to the hospital fast. Brain cells are dying.

LinB2008-07-20 15:58:41Joonie,
Its not always a good idea to self-diagnosis.  Does your insurance have an advice nurse to call or put a call into your doctor's ofc, the answering service could relay a message to him and he could call you back.  Consider going into ER, I'm not certain about this, but sometimes bloodwork, can tell if something stroke related is going on. 
Worried and concerned, Joy 
Joonie -
Please go to the ER. 
This is ongoing so I am not sure what to think. Worth getting it checked out.

I've been fibro fogging a lot lately. If I had a brain scan today they wouldn't find anything  Sounds like it is something that should be looked into a little more closely.

I sometimes do the cheaping shipper thing but I don't find myself babbling sentences. I don't have fibro I have the slip mahoney syndrome so says my husband.

What you describe is no laughing matter however.

I say it is fibro, because my neck/upperback/shoulder area is all stiff and acting up again. I am having a hard time turning my head because of the stiffness.
I know... I should be more concerned that it is TIA, but like last time when I went to the ER they done nothing for me. They just hooked me up to a monitor and then gave me blood pressure pills.
I am calling my GP, tomorrow to reschedlue my appt I missed when I was having the TEE done.
It is not slurring I am doing... it is like my words are coming out fast and jumbled up.
I decided earlier today I was going to write more like type out all my weird symptoms I have been having and maybe something will help my GP to figure out what is wrong with me.
He is at a loss as of now, and sending me to different doctors to see if they can figure it out.
The main symptom is trouble speaking, confusion in speech, or understanding.  I think you described that this is what you were doing.  What does fibro have to do with your confusion in saying words and speaking words backwards?  Aphasia (what you're experiencing) shouldn't be caused by a stiff, sore neck.  If it's a TIA they may do nothing or keep you for observation but you can't determine if it's a TIA or a stroke.  If it's a stroke then the ER is where you should be.  Lindyjoonie, I have those problems, moreso when typing but sometimes when speaking.  My RD says it is due to the RA inflammation.  However, given your recent medical troubles, I have to agree in getting it checked out ASAP.  If you won't go to the ER, at least call your doctor the very first thing tomorrow and make sure you get to speak to them directly, not relay messages through the staff.I did the talking backwards and the mumbling talk, way before I had the TIA.  I tend to do it when I have the neck/shoulder/upperback problem. I have just noticed it again, because I have went so long without that area bothering me. So... it is probably inflammation in my spine again. I say that because when I try to work my neck to move again, I heard that fluid swish sound again. It really has been a long time since I have had this neck/shoulder/upperback problem again. Same with the burning of my shoulder blades.
I have no other symptoms off of that list that was posted.
I am not confused or anything like that, it is just that I have been doing it a good bit since I woke up this afternoon.
I will call GP's office when I wake up and see if they can work me in. I will also make a list of my "mysterious" symptoms too.
