Toes Bent | Arthritis Information


Hey guys,

  I think I found the reason for my leg cramps and foot cramps. I noticed my toes on my left leg was curled under. I can't straingten them out. My foot hurts, my leg hurts and now my right foot is starting to do the same thing! Is this an Ra thing? Or could it be something else? I'm a little scared as it is hard to walk. All the muscles in my legs hurt. Well along with my back, hands and name it. It hurts! Please any info would be appreciated!!
In the meantime, have you tried parafin wax baths?  I use them for my feet and hands and it really feels so much better when I'm done. 
Hopefully someone who has had the same problem will come along, but Sunday night seems to be a really quiet time on the board.
Hope you feel better.
Thanks HillHoney I appreciate your response. And thank you for telling me Sundays are slow in respones. Guess I'm alittle scared is all.
Thanks Bunches!
Don't be scared poet!
I can't help because it hasn't happened to me - what do you mean curled under?  Like the muscles are tightening up?
All I can think of is potassium - I know, nothing much!  Sorry.
My toes on my left foot are slightly curled under and also second toe is separted far away from my big toe. Sometimes it throbs. My toes are red on that foot and look like Fred Flintstone feet, big, puffy, and swollen. Just on my left foot. My toes on the right foot look big and red but they don't hurt. I can't stand anything covering my toes At night I have to pull the covers up and let my feet out or they hurt . My feet used to be tough and when I was a teenager, I walked barefooted everywhere. No I only walk barefooted through the house and most of the time I am limping.
Good luck with your tootsies.
take care
Thanks everyone for you information. It was helpful.
