Crash, Boom, Bang | Arthritis Information



justsaynoemore2009-06-20 07:02:08Ouch ... sounds like a bad day or two.  I hope you won at cards!   Sounds like something out of a sitcom!  Sorry you are hurting! Feel better soon!Your husband sounds as helpful as mine!  Take it easy today and hope you are feeling better! Wow, sounds like Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events!  Take it easy today, rest all  the sore parts, use ice and heat and be good to yourself. Hillhoney2008-07-21 05:51:17Ouchie!!!  I prescribe a full bubblewrap for days like these.
Bubblewrap!  LOVE it!
Cathy - wanna experiment?  Do you have any Arnica at home?  Or hypericum?  When I got that HUGE black and blue bruise from my shoulder to my knees when I fell in March some friends told me about it.  Weird homeopathy stuff where supposedly you don't touch the pills and take it ASAP after bruising.  Well, it sounded like Voodoo med to me but I picked it up but never tried it as I couldn't find a time to take it without food.
Well, I used it when I fell over a power cord twice in one day last month and my flip flop got all twisted.  I started to bruise immediately on my instep.  Not only did it stop the bruising and pain - but it seemed to go after the lump (abscess???) on my upper thigh a bit. 
Then, last week I dropped a tile end table on my toe (gonna lose the toenail) reached for the hypericum and - again - bruising is minimal (it bled all over the place so no Arnica creme) and looks FANTASTIC and that lump on my thigh is way less.
So, if you want to...
PS - yes, I am accident prone.  I'm large enough to bounce and don't usually get this messed up.  One of the house rules is - if you left shoes out and Mom trips over them - you owe her a DIME!  Since dimes are so rare these days - somebody is putting her shoes away now!
Ouch! Sounds painful. I would blame it on full moon syndrome here. Seems like that is when the weirdest things happen to us.
edited because I can't spell.
reader2008-07-21 08:36:26Cathy, your story reminds me of the weekend I visited the ER 3 times.

My oldest son and I were wrestling on a Saturday morning and he accidentally scratched me right across the cornea.  Holy Mother of God did that hurt!  I tried taking some ibuprofen and tylenol, and even dug up an old xanax to try to ease the pain and allow me to relax a bit.  At the time I hadn't had an RA flare for quite a while, so I had no vicodin on hand.  Anyway, the pain kept getting worse, so the husband and kids took me to the acute care center affiliated with our hospital to get it checked out and to get an RX for real pain relief.  The doc checked out the eye, said yep, it's a scratched cornea, and yep, it's about the most acutely painful thing that you can imagine (and I concurred, having lived through kidney stones and a c-section with only partial epidural coverage!).  I was given a script for vicodin.  The doctor apologized to me for "only" giving me vicodin, and said it was the strongest they could prescribe at the acute care center.  At that point I started to get worried... after all, every time I have surgery, I specifically have the surgeon write my post-op pain orders as 2 vicodin and a Coke, PO.  No IV/IM opiates.  Vicodin and Coke fixes everything. Oh, Jas, I'm sorry about your cat.
And what do you mean about the c-section?  I kind of had something like that - it ran out and I felt them putting my uterous back in.  That is something you NEVER want to feel.
[QUOTE=Pip!]Oh, Jas, I'm sorry about your cat. Angry little clone!  LOL
My mom had exeriences like that with c-section - back in the day when they did them from sternum to pubic bone.  With nurses like that I mean.  She's still mad about that and it's been decades.
[QUOTE=Pip!]Angry little clone!  LOL  


justsaynoemore2009-06-20 07:03:32JSNM- I would certainly send a complaint in as well! How rude! Hope you feel better soon!Much hugs to you, Cathy.
Oh and you are like me... when you get hurt you go for the gold. I think I would like it much better if I did not even register for a "medal".
Best wishes for a speedy recovery so you can get back at work.  I'm sure it's a little stressful to be in pain and worry about your job as well.  
