"False Positive Research" | Arthritis Information


This commentary is nicely laid out, I think.  Pip, maybe this answers some of your questions in the other research thread?


Suzanne2008-07-21 07:24:51 From the article (see?  supports my Pop Tart theory!):
"And thirdly, the scientific method (if not carefully followed in rigorous, randomized, placebo-controlled trials) is a set up for false positive tests. What does that mean? It means that the default for your average research study (before it even begins) is that there will be a positive association between intervention and outcome. So I could do a trial on, say, the potential therapeutic use of candy bars for the treatment of eczema, and it's likely (if I'm not a careful scientist) that the outcome will show a positive correlation between the two."

Suzanne2008-07-21 07:25:30You mean there's not a positive correlation?  LOL

Thanks, Suzanne, that's what I was thinking of~

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