hand/knuckle pain and turning red | Arthritis Information


what does it mean when my hands turn red around the knuckles and on the top of my hand going toward my wrist on the top of my hand.  like i said before, my hand and pinky finger seem to get  deformed sometimes with overuse. 

can someone explain the possible problems or any diagnosis

Hi Jason,

I'm not sure what this means but my little finger and index finger were turning a black and blue. My pinkie especially and never ending pain. The pinkie was really getting twisted looking. Shortly after starting the Enbrel both fingers changed in appearance. Almost back to normal (looking). I still don't have complete use of those fingers. I think it is the severe swelling of the joints. Are you on Enbrel or any anti-inflamatory meds? I hope you find relief soon. It is extemely painful.


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