NICE proposing Anti tnf limits | Arthritis Information


For our UK friends.  NICE is propsing that a patient is given a shot at only 1 anti tnf drug even though studies show that many patients who fail one will so well on another.  This will limit the advance treatment options to 1 anti tnf and rtiuxan as NICE has already rejected orencia
Speak up
here is the actual proposal..cost is mentioned way too much
buckeye2008-07-21 09:09:46Oh, this is awful?  UKer's - can you bombard your representatives with letters and email like we can?
We could try, but they are too busy housing and paying benifits to the huge influx of migrant workers and false asylum seekers.
Do you realise we even pay child benifits to children who do not live in UK! The Goverment has went nuts.
No offense to all those who come here with just cause and work for there money though, its those we welcome!

Well that we have in common, Jay.  Tax payers here in the US pay for illegal immigrants too.  We educate them, give them medical care, feed them, house them.  It's a good deal for them.  Then the money they make here illegally they send back home.  Would you believe their are some in our congress who want to give illegals Social Security benefits?  Yup, they want to take the money I've been paying into the system legally, and give it to people who haven't paid a dime into the system and work here illegally.  Pretty generous, huh?

Already happens here. They get priority housing, benifits etc. Free legal when they are told they have to go home....
but we hear about our old people dying because they could not afford to heat their houses in the winter!
Wish the Goverment would just get their priorities straight because its this thats promoting anger in Britain above all else.
