chitchat How's your Monday? | Arthritis Information


Well so far mine stinks!

I had a restless night of sleep with a bunch of nightmares (and here I thought I would be dreaming of Christian Bale).
When I started to make the bed a big ugly spider ran out from under the sheet and ran all around while I clobbered it with a tissue box over and over and he would not die but jumped off the bed where I beat him more but then it disappeared.
Now I wonder if it was running around on me all night which is why I was restless. EWWWW I hate spiders!
Then I blew a fuse while drying my hair- went down the cellar tripped it back on went upstairs- power still wasn't on so had to go back down and I could swear I did the same fuse over again but that time it worked.
New company that bought ours had our computers out over the weekend to reprogram them and so bugs had to be worked out all morning.
Now I'm even further behind the 8 Ball then I was already starting the week with work left over from last week. I was covering for my boss all last week and we run lean to begin with.
I worked through half my lunch just because I felt obilgated to my clients.
Now here I am with my door shut and my boss is constantly printing things to my printer because he won't buy one of his own. I just feel so edgy today!
happy Monday - aren't Mondays grand?!?
I'm sorry you are havin such an aggravating day.
Christian Bale is a bit short for my taste...but throw Val Kilmer (back when he was in good shape) or George Clooney back into that bat suit - and now we're talking!
I can't stand spiders either - they all must die!
Go find a vending machine - and get yourself a nice chocolate bar and take a big breath hon - it's almost tuesday!
LOL- I remember you mentioning you were 6 ft. and 20 lbs. gained spread out nicely on your frame. I was so jealous! I am a shrimpy 4' 10.5" and an extra 15 lbs. gained on my frame makes me resemble a pgymy!
That's OK Chocolate here I come!
Haha - that's the spirit!
Funny how so little - can make us feel so much better! My biggest downfall is peanut butter cups.....especially in ice cream...mmmm.
ugh.. I hate Monday's because they exist 
After a weekend of being able to sleep til I awaken at my leisure... having to get up w/ the obnoxious alarm sets my day off all wrong.
Then to work I go.. with the stock market the way it is.. it's needless to say that clients aren't terribly nice nor friendly when they call in ... just complaining.  *sigh*
Hopefully.. the Monday's I took off in August will not make me hate Tuesdays!!!
Sounds like  you had a tough one, wanttobe!!  hope the rest of the week is much better for you..
Wow.. you're tall Brennaboo... I'm 5'10"  but you're much taller.  Don't you love it!?
I do love being tall - especially when I pack on a few "prednisone pounds". Lucky for me - my boyfriends have always been tall too. Problem is I always wear big heels - which still puts me just a little above them.
At least you have some Mondays off in August - that makes for nice long weekends!
Look - it's almost Tuesday already - you can make it!
Hello!!!  I figure that I should prolly start posting more and what better then to post in the chit chat thread that I had loved so much! LOL  Nothing exciting happening here in boring IL....Cant SOMETHING fun happen here???  I downloaded a bunch of cd's I "borrowed" from my dad...Never in my life would I thought I would have said that my dad has cool music...But I have a bunch of GOOD music now!! The Who, Paul Simon, Styx, Billy Joel and James Taylor!!! I LOVE James Taylor!!!! LOL Music makes me happy!  So just waiting for hubby and our new roomate to come home so make it more interesting in my household.   My hubby had an interesting day *works construction* and one of his guys made the sprinkler go off on a job so they got to clean up lots o' water LOL poor guys and roomate is an Acute Dyliasis tech and I guess got a patient..said hed be home in a hr about 8 this morning and well hasnt come home LOL hes had a bad week, lost 3 patients :(  Thats one thing I couldnt do, Id get way to attached....ok well now im just babbling LOL

Anybody else having problems with their adult children telling them they are harrassing them about things? That they are adults and can take care of their own business. Yet you just put tires on their car and bought them school clothes because they couldn't afford it? AND they are living home for nothing. But you are not allowed to ask if they are looking on line & applying for an out of state job where they will be attending school.

That's what I came home to.

Can I have chocolate too?? Sounds like everyone is having a "Monday". I couldn't sleep last night, then almost overslept, forgot my meds and had to turn around and come back home to get them, got behind a slow truck and was late to work, boss was in a grumpy mood, I took one day off and now I am 2 weeks behind, it stormed and we lost power, no power, no computer, no computer, no work, no work, further behind, come home and it has rained in my windows and I have water everywhere. ARGGGG.

Reader- I will gladly join you for a second round of chocolate. What the hell I can't drink on the MTX!You got a deal! What the heck, let's break out the 2 pound box and go for it! What's another pound or two on this 5' frame!Crappy Monday here.  Slept horrible last night.  I think menopause (TMI) is starting and it seems like Sunday nights are my worst for sleeping.   Went into work already tired and then had my boss complain about something that in the "big picture" is so minor.   She tends to focus on such odd things and holds onto them forever and picks them to death.    Rumor has it that she may be on her way out - so I'm crossing my fingers.  She is my 5th mgr in 5 years.  Either I'm tough on managers or they aren't hiring very carefully. 
Coordinating a health fair at two locations this week, went to open the boxes of medical brochures and none were the ones I requested from our health plan - they sent me someone else's healthfair materials and that client received our list.   So, dug out some old ones from surplus since I was heading to one location this afternoon and it was too late to have them drop off more and then had to be polite and ask them to kindly get some over to us by Wednesday for the next location.  
To end on a good note, got home and cut up some fruit and the cantaloupe and strawberries are delicious.   Have to find something positive.
Cathy if you share your fruit reader and I will let you dip it in our chocolate! We are packing on the pounds so we can look more like pygmys by tomorrow.That sounds like a plan.  I have some bananas I can add to the mix - bananas and chocolate are great !   I just dug out the licorce - I don't think it mixes w/chocolate though.I usually don't do chocolate but the mood was there and I am now having a chocolate/malted latte. Mmmmm it sure is good.
I took the day off today to go see my husband's great aunt who is in assisted living.
She is 93 years old and so full of spunk. She so hates that her body is not working so well any more.We put her in her wheel chair and went for a beautiful walk.She was just thrilled to be outside.
We also picked a bunch of wild flowers for her home. Lots of colors.
I can't wait to see her next week.
aww Maimi that must have made you feel good-gave me a little perspective to be grateful for what's going good in my life too.
But Cathy- I'll take some of that licorice. It may not be good dipped in chocolate but it'll be fine just to eat along with it!
Hey, I've got some peanuts for the chocolate! And how bout some homemade Pina Colada ice cream for dessert? Being a pygmy is beginning to sound pretty good!
HOMEMADE Pina Colada icecream?  I'm in!ok can I have some Chocolat too????  Ive got some Ben and Jerrys Chocolate Peanut Butter Icecream I can share :DSure-Yummy!- gee all I've been bringing to the board is my appetite! Lets see ...I have some of those new Oreo Fudgies I can share.
Right now I'm off to the pool for half hour of exercise- I think I gained 5 lbs. just reading about all the chocolate!
Ok I am going to date myself somewhat but "rainy days and Mondays always get me down"
Yes, it's been one of those dreaded Mondays. There has never been a Monday that I liked. It's just not a good day. Give me any other day and even if it's a bad day it's still better than Monday. 

I get that kind of attitude from my youngest son many times. His favorite phrase is, "mom stop hounding me." He is over 18, still lives at home till he finishes school or moves to out of town university.  I do make him help out with expenses though.  No free rides I tell my boys. Everyone who lives under my roof's got to help our expenses.
I don't like spiders either.  Ugh just the thought sends shivers up my back. 

mom2three, where in AZ are you at?

Im soo glad i have some years to go till my Kelsay becomes a teenager...tho the attitude has started already
I live in Phoenix. Born and raised, although I did live in Texas for a number of years. I love the winters here but the summers are unbearable. One reason is the  awful heat and the other is the electric bill that comes from keeping the house comfortable. My monday was STRESSFUL.  I started a new job today in a different area of law.  By default, I am going to feel like a dummy for a month or two.  Moving from litigation to corporate/business.  And there are tons of nice people but transitioning in laterally is always hard.  Not sure of office politics.  So much new stuff, training and learning preferences of different attorneys. 
I am trying to keep my stress low by remembering the first month of a job will always be hard, just expect it and shed everything away at the end of the day...that and my son told me "you did a great job at work today mama!" and that meant so much!
Katie G, are you an attorney?  I was/am a paralegal, that is before I had children and it I can not afford daycare for 2 kids!!  I can so understand why you are stressed!

Hello, my friends! I've been MIA for a few days, but this morning was SOOO much better than my week-end. I'll post about that later.

But for now, I love these chit-chat posts! MOM2, We got one of the Marie Callendar pies on sale a couple of weeks ago. .99, right? I was craving coconut cream pie, and it was delicious! My Sweetie usually makes our pies and is very good at it, but sometimes, those yummy delights from Marie C. just make a day perfect!
I can't remember who loves the p-nut butter cup ice cream, but it's my all time favorite!And chocolate-dipped fruit! You all have some great "feel better Monday" ideas!!
As long as the topic is baked goods, can I mention my little grand "bun in the oven" is due in only 103 more days??!!!

Well the consensus is Monday was a stressful day- jobs gave it to us, kids with attitudes, and all the little things that add up. I think we were all lucky though- no one mentioned that they had any aches and pains. I think we were too busy with other things.

So I think I'll grab one of my fudgies read the posts I missed, check my bed for spiders and then it's off to slumberland to see what Tuesday brings!

My Monday absolutely SUCKED at work today.  The software development for our big project is already a week behind, and it was supposed to be delivered to us today to begin testing.  Got to make sure they took out the old bugs and put new ones in!  Anyway, we go to populate the database with test data, and DAMN they completely changed the schema (the "roadmap") and didn't bother to document it.  And we have asked repeatedly for an updated schema for the new development over the last 6 months and we were repeatedly told that nothing has changed.

And to make matters worse... they're bringing back someone who got fired two years ago when I made an anonymous report of harassment, threats and intimidation.  Corporate hasn't figured it out because this person is being brought in as a "contractor" so technically they're hiring the services of a company.  If I make an anonymous complaint, management will know it's me.  On the bright side, my husband told me tonight that I should just quit.  We can afford it, but I like giving money away.  We probably give half of my take-home pay to various charities; the other half goes towards college and retirement.

And to top it all off, Aunt Flo came for her monthly visit. BITCH!
[QUOTE=Linncn]As long as the topic is baked goods, can I mention my little grand "bun in the oven" is due in only 103 more days??!!![/QUOTE]
oooh.. Linncn!!  I have a grand baby coming too.. in 58 days!!   I cannot wait.. He's our first... due on daughter-in-law's birthday!!  what a gift.
