Diability | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to know if anyone here is on disability and hw hard is it? I am going to apply for it soon.

Thanks for any replies!LostPoet, use the search box on the forum and type in disability.  You should get a lot of threads talking about disability.  There are many on disability and it can be difficult to get if you're talking about SSD. 
If you're  going to apply,  think seriously about partnering with a disability attorney.  They're rates of success is higher than if you do it alone.   Also, your age is a big factor in being awarded.  Usually, if you're older it's easier.  It also depends on the state that you live in.  Some states are easier to get disability in than others. 
It can be a long, frustrating process and it's highly likely that you'll be turned down.  It depends on the number of years that you've had RA, complications, medication failure, damage, age and the state where you live.  
I received disability because of my age, complications, numerous medication failures, damage, and uncontrolled severe flare of 10 years.   Lindy   
Thanks LinB,
I'm 53 and all the medications that people here are taking I cannot tolerate. Stomach ulcers and such. I live in Indiana and have been seeking an attorney to handle most of this for me. I can nolonger do my job as a Food Service Director. It requires lifting 50-60lbs. Hmm I weight 82. Not to mention the cooking for long hours, cleaning, scrubbing floors..well you get the picture. When I went to apply for simple little jobs they just look at how thin I am and how I walk and I never hear back from them. So I decided the best thing to do to survive is Disability. Don't like the thought because I love to work and this is hard for me.hi lost poet
the older you are the easier it is to get because you are considered not retrainable.  The functional level that they look at is less stringent than that of younger applicants.
Make sure you have your doctors support and if possible review the medical notes to make sure they support your claims.
butyoudontlooksick.com has a lot if information on filing
I applied and got ssd on my first go around. The advice I offer anyone is to be very thorough in the questionnaires, even to the point of redundancy. I would try filing the initial application myself. Then, if you are turned down, get a a good social security disability lawyer who will work on a contingency basis (taking a set amount allowed by law from your retro pay.)

It took 9 months from application to granting of my social security disability. That differs from state to state.   In some places, it takes between 18 months and 2 yrs. -- but it varies state to state. You will be paid for the "waiting" time when you are granted in a nice lump sum. that time also counts toward your getting medicare (a 2-year wait from when your benefits are granted (based on date of application).Thanks everyone. That was very helpful!
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